
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Higher Frequency containing Crystaliine Diamond Light Codes


A Higher Frequency containing Crystaliine Diamond Light Codes flows into Your Sphere this Very moment. It Will appear in a tripple anchoring, starting with a pulsing and counter-clockwise spin in Your root, running through thighs and feets ( starting a few Days ago) and This to Re~Connect and Anchor the Energies to Your Mission. Then follows a New Deeper Heart Opening/ Temple Awareness in Your Heart. 

It is like a Flower Opening, It seeks its Life, to Evolve and Blossom into a Crown. 

The Energy Will Be felt in Your Crown area in Neck, Spine and Temples and it might feels like a pressure. Indeed it is, as Your Consciousness Expands.. maybee you're starting to Notice the Diamond shapes...  

As we go through This expansion of Consciousness, We must not forget that This Follows the Healing and Understanding of Layers Deeper within. Maybe You Are Experiencing old Life themes right Now that Are up for Healing and Understanding in a Deeper Layer of Your Consciousness... ~ and again stretches are experienced in the feet and hands ... it is Liquid Magnetic Energy, so it is only Natural that It is to be Felt when it is Confirmed. 

You Are after All, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth, Stardust, and any universal Material.

No matter what sign in the Zodiac Brought You in to Empower Your Life, You Are Everything, do not Ever Believe in otherwise. 

We Are asked to center Our Energy and Presence in Peace and Trust Now.

We Are about to witness a Total Collapse of the World as We Knew it... 

The Energies Accessible Now is a Strengthening of the Will of Your Purpose and a Reinforcement of the True Light in You.

I Welcome You to Share Your Experience in the comments As a spoken word is a Manifestation of Truth.

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