
Thursday, October 15, 2020

YEAR 2020 - Year of Global Transition


YEAR 2020 - Year of Global Transition


.Some events happened already, some are happening and some will about to happen.

( based on prediction and in no particular order).

Corona Virus Global Lockdown

Year of Transition

Great Awakening Movement participated in by Q , QAnons Worldwide/ the Global Digital Armies

Fall of the Cabal

White Hat took over the Federal Reserve merged with UST

Global Rescue Operation of trafficked children

Declass /Arrest and Indictment

Disconnection of SWIFT System to QFS

QFS became Operational

Roll out of USTN Gold Backed-Currency

End of USD Fiat Money Printing

In the Philippines, Announcement of New Enhanced Philippine Bank Note/Peso

Possible USA Insurrection Act dominoes Martial Law Worldwide

Redemption of Historical Boxes of Assets/bonds worldwide

Roll out of Philippine Backed- Gold Currency

Solar Flash (per prediction may happen Dec 21, 2020)

Year 2021 - Year of Golden Age

Global Currency Reset/RV

Prosperity and Abundance

GFOL Disclosure.

Feel free to add in case I have missed some of the global events.

Use discernment if you are following.

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