
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Your Inner World Determines your Outer World

 As wemerge into the Higher Dimensions Our Attention speeds & softens the changes wexperience.

Going within each day as we draw the arrow of our mind back & propel all things forward.
While in activity breath in the Lighthe Grace Light Infusing it into Ourselves & Our World ,

(Reader | Victor) Your Inner World Determines your Outer World

Reader Post | By Victor Your inner world determines your outer world and not the other way around. But in this reality of 3d that we live i...

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Reader Post | By Victor

Your inner world determines your outer world and not the other way around. But in this reality of 3d that we live in, that Universal law of Creation is very hard to remember, When "REMEMBERING" is the answer, the answer we forget or ignore.

Not remembering the "facts" of when Caesar conquered the world is not what I am talking about. Because that is a 3D construct of "control remembering" that does not matter, does not mean anything or create anything but confusion and keep you lost.

There is a different kind of ....."Remembering".....The only remembering that really matters. Remembering Yourself, which no one hardly ever teaches, and probably NOT....not one person in schools of Higher Education may have even mentioned it once? Because they teach....."fake"....remembering, which will Hail only Caesar and ignore the only thing that matters in your life, Your SELF-AWARENESS..... Awareness is everything!

Because if you don't ....."remember Yourself"? think that the Caesar dates of conquest matter? No... they don't matter because facts are only distortions that never...."Create"... in your life. They hold you back because they really have no meaning at all. It is..... "NEVER"......the outer world that determines your happiness or what you experience or what can really affect you.....That is the Secret of the inner world determining the outer world.

The Outer world can never affect you because YOU Affect the outer world "first".....and manifest the outer world. But that is NOT how anyone you know is living their lives or even how many of us here reading this, life our lives. Do we live like that? Meaning..... keeping our attention on what is really ..."REAL".... or do we give to Caesar, what is of Caesar's world.... outer attention on ideas and thoughts.?

Giving to Caesar is not about paying taxes but about taking care of the Kingdom of Heaven within first. Keeping our Awareness turned in two directions , towards the inner and the outer. But first and foremost, never forgetting ourselves. You can start to do that every day by becoming aware of your hands and your sense of "Presence".... which we forget easily when we look at Caesar's world and put that first because of habit.

I mentioned that recently in another article that describes what a powerful and simple tool that Keeping your attention inwardly is, by starting with remembering your hands. Doing that, will keep our life going in the right direction because we are going against the programing. For example, we may come here to this web site or go to many other websites to look for facts and articles to read for years and years. We look for news that we think will make our life better, because we think the outer affects our inner life first, when the reality is that it is the other way around.

We have always done that in this 3D world which is Caesar's world or the world of contrast, confusing inversions, strife, and extreme duality. Why do we look for news? or facts?.....because we have been fooled and programed. So we really believe that the Outer World Has Power over us and affects us when the outer world can not even do what we fear most.......kill us.

OH, yes the outer world can kill the body, but the outer world can never touch our inner Awareness and "kill that"....who we really are. In Fact .....we can never experience our own death!....because we do not die and can not die. Spirit or Awareness does not die! That is Eternal along with the principle that the inner determines the outer and not the other way around.

This means that we have complete control and power over this world. This is very good news, the news that Sages have been sharing for eons on the nature of the Universe....but we hardly ever use this Wisdom. A simple thought that is even missing from our education system.

To bring this point home, I had a teacher of mine always recount a story that helped in ...."Remembering"... because it explained this most important point in our whole existence, our Awareness in the NOW.

The Story starts with a question that asks......."Do you have a problem now"?.......and if you are honest and look, you will see that you do not have a problem now. OH, you may start to think about the day and say ...."I think"...I have a problem because I am standing in the line towards the Guillotine .....and I am next!.

Yes....that may be true and you may be in such a line.......but my teacher asks in the story. ...."But do you have a problem now?"....and if you are honest.? You have to be brutally honest and YOU have to keep your "Attention On Your Inner World" the NOW. You will say ...."NO!"...I don't have a problem NOW.

When you do that in each second and refresh your moment? do NOT have a problem now. Then you take a few steps closer to the Guillotine and again you can ask as you keep your attention on your inner world. "Do I have a problem now?"......if you do not think? will say....."NO....I don't have a problem NOW".

Then a little time passes and you tip the headsman and the Guillotine falls and you ask?......."Do I have a problem NOW?".......and you can say once again......"NO......I don't have a problem NOW!"

Because ...."THE INNER WORLD DETERMINES THE OUTER WORLD".......with a little humor thrown in. But that is how life is.We are the creators of our world.

In this collective world moment what many see as Here and now, We see as turmoil bubbles worldwide with massive changes everywhere, "WE"...with our inner Attention first, we determine the outer world we see and its meaning and not the other way around. This means that perfect peace starts with.... "Staying Aware"...Always and keeping our attention on our bodies and that over time manifests in the outer.

Thast is the correct order of Not letting the outer world determine the inner peace of our...." inner world". When we do that, we can also see that when we do not let Fear and Lack thoughts into our lives...that has a powerful effect on OUR outer world. With practice, we will notice how inner awareness effects and manifests the outer world. In fact, that is exactly how God Creates. The inner determines the outer. We just do the same thing.

Here is a 3D Matrix the Deep State knows these Creation Principles and will use those Universal laws ..."Against"... us, to keep us under a 3D control matrix. Because that is what a 3D world is about......"control and hiding"... the Universal Truth that......."YOUR INNER WORLD DETERMINES YOUR OUTER WORLD".

So don't give to Caesar your inner world of ..."Attention".... away!....... That is something that no one can take from you unless you give it away. When you stay at home inwardly, your outer world will slowly manifest more to your true higher intentions that match your inner world.

That is how Humanity evolves from a 3D collective to a 5D collective. By keeping your attention on your inner world first, then the outer world will reflect your inner world. That is going on right now and We may not like a 3D much? because of the suffering and hardship. But who manifested that?

WE did!.....because have we ever?......ever?.....kept our attention on our... "INNER WORLD?".......first? ....NO!...well there you have it, the Secret!. That is the work that must come first and it's something that we can do and must do all the time. That is how the world changes on the outer after we work on the inner first.


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