
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Special Report as of Sept. 5, 2020

Trump was pressed to get the RV funds out into the economy to fulfill his predictions of economic recovery before the Nov. 3 Election...


A. Sat. 5 Sept. 7:54 am EDT Fleming’s Intel Military Contact:

1. All things were on schedule as set by Trump and the RV teams on Mon. 31 Aug.

2. On Fri. 4 Sept. at 1:30 am EDT they began to move major tranches of funds through the Quantum Financial System for a final liquidity Shotgun Release on Mon.–Tues. 7-8 Sept.

3. The Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) instant debit-credit settlement system of the QFS was initiated as of Wed. night 2 Sept. and was being tested/used by banks worldwide, as everything was readied for release on Mon.–Tues. 7-8 Sept.

4. The Deep State had been hacking, interfering with and slowing down the RV roll out through the SWIFT system. The Department of Defense had decided that there was no way that they and Trump could release the RV until the global money transfer system was secure. That was why they decided to wait until the SWIFT System was disconnected last Mon. 31 Aug.

5. This past week 90+% of money transfers were going through the QFS, with the remaining 10% or less still going through SWIFT. All banks globally were transitioning to the QFS instant transfer and settlement (RTGS) system. The SWIFT was definitely going away.

6. Iraq was planning on initiating the Dinar RV international rate on Sun. night 6 Sept.

7. Beginning Mon. 7 Sept. all liquidity would be released for access to upper level accounts & Paymasters.

8. On Tues. 8 Sept. all liquidity would be down-lined to lower tier & level accounts including Tier 4b notification.

9. The Shotgun Release has to come now because:

(a) Behind the scenes NESARA / GESARA debt relief measures and 15 other NESARA / GESARA measures including tests for Universal Basic Income (UBI) for many countries have been started.

(b) At each level globally, funds have been released for liquidity access tests, which were successful.

(c) Trump was pressed to get the RV funds out into the economy to fulfill his predictions of economic recovery before the Nov. 3 Election.

(d) All RV teams, bankers, paymasters and countries starting with China and the US, were tired, exhausted and desperate to get the RV funds released free of Deep State ability to steal, hack and interfere.

10. All must be not only started, but finished with Tier 4b exchanges/ redemption, with the general public Tier 5 exchanges started on Tues. 15 Sept. after Tier 4b appointments completed so that all financial system initiation items were finished before the fiscal year start in less than four weeks on Thurs. 1 Oct.

11. Therefore all countries and Trump were pushing each other to get this out now.

12. The plan was still that everyone became liquid on Tues. 8 Sept.

13. Tier 4b currency holders would go into Redemption Centers starting Tues. 8 Sept. forward.

14. To do Closings (legal paperwork executed) to make liquidity release to all on Tues. 8 Sept, all groups needed to be made liquid within 48 hours. Therefore, some groups would go on Tues. 8 Sept when Tier 4b was scheduled to start, and some groups would go on Wed. 9 Sept.

15. Notification would go out to tiers / levels above Tier 4b immediately prior to Tier 4b notification going out. For example, the Farm Claims groups comprised 600,000 notification emails, CMKX recipients comprised 50,000 notification emails, etc. – all recipients which legally must receive notification just before our Tier 4b notification emails.

16. All last week the adjudicated settlements and other Tier 3-4a group leaders and administrators were contacting their group members to verify their contact info on file in preparation for these notifications to go out next week.

17. Redemption Centers would be operating from 7am to 10pm each day. They would be doing audits of all exchange/redemption transactions every day, and the daily audits would be done during the 3rd of three daily Redemption Center shifts.

18. There was a 10-day bank blackout (also mentioned by Charlie Ward and his sources) that started on Fri. 4 Sept. and went until Mon. 14 Sept. This was the same period during which all liquidity was scheduled to be released and accessed by Tiers 1-4 (govt & UST levels 1-9) with daily audits from each day's transactions before the general public Tier 5 started on Tues. 15 Aug.

19. The list of Democrat and Republican pedophile criminals posted by QAnon ( on Wed. 2 Sept. showed that arrests expected before or by the RV/GCR release have been going on behind the scenes and were continuing right now.

20. John Brennan, the headwaters of Deep State criminality under the Obama administration, was arrested behind the scenes on May 6, 2020 under indictments from the Durham criminal investigation.

21. Durham's report and arrests regarding Obamagate Deep State criminals for pedophilia, human trafficking, money laundering, obstruction of justice and treason would become more evident over the coming days and weeks.

22. He confirmed QAnon's language that the "D5 [avalanche]" was overtaking the DC Swamp right now and there was panic in DC because of it that was reflected in riots that have been paid for Deep State deep pockets across the country. 

23. He advised to get ready, stay ready, pray over all and prepare for next week to be the long awaited start of change that unfortunately could not have been released till after the SWIFT hacking and interference of the Deep State was disconnected from the banking system globally as it has been this past week....

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