
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The MAMMOTH Quantum Computer, the Big Bertha, the Mother of all Computers, is our servant.

"...The mammoth Quantum Computer, the Big Bertha, the Mother of all Computers, is our servant.
This computer has finite capabilities but we will never see its limitations. It will be the basis of all human financial transactions as well as housing the new internet. The old internet is a world wide web of linked computers that can be controlled by Cabal browsers like Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, etc. That possible control is all going away. No more Cabal in our lives for any public control. Face Book and YouTube, and ET AL, will be taken over by benevolent forces or shut down. All of these Internet activities will be absorbed into this computer which will be a public domain. Everyone will have their own private connection through a Financial/Internet Service Provider. Even banks will become the Tetradactylies of a foregone era. With the advent of Ma and Pa small Service Providers, behemoth type banks, with all their overhead will not compete with these small service providers. Banks will become, enlarged service providers for banking type activities but they, too, will eventually become a thing of the past.
Block Chain Technology, Transparency and Security Extraordinaire.
If you lose your wallet, or someone steals your debit/credit card – no problem. The computer will trace your money down and the thief will be arrested. How is that done, you ask? Every increment of currency has a Gold Certificate digitally assigned to that dollar. It has its own identity. The computer knows where it is at all times. Trying to hide it is not possible and is an exercise in futility. Even an attempt at theft is flagged for investigation and the money can be frozen till resolved because it is sitting in the thief’s account.
Gold Backed Currency = Secured Value
To be Gold Backed, the currency must have evidence that can be traced to a piece of Gold that is set aside for the purpose of backing the currency. That just makes sense. It is a secure piece of currency, something that you can trust as value. What a novel idea. Do you think the Cabal debt system would ever come up with a system like this? Do you understand why the Alliance came up with this system to replace the old system. The Dollar, Yuan, Peso, or whatever, can be traced back to a piece of Gold used to back it or establish a proven value that everyone believes in. Again, what a novel idea..."
Ron Giles 

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