
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Economy is Opening, Prepare for Information Warfare

Economically. Politically, News & Information are All turning around & MorexpecTruth Plus + + GJ
The Economy is now opening up, the people are ready and they want to get back to work, they want to live again. The [CB]/MSM are pushing the narrative to keep everything closed, this will not work people are ready, businesses are ready. The people believe the economy will bounce back, the next phase of the economic system is coming

Timing Is Everything, Drip, Drip, Then The Flood, Prepare For Information Warfare - Episode 2160b

The patriots are now bringing the entire country back online, the [DS]/MSM are trying everything they can to stop this. The patriots are now dripping out declassified information on GP, FISA and Flynn. The [DS]/MSM are now in overdrive to spin and stop as much as they possibly can, what we are witnessing is information warfare.

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