
Monday, March 16, 2020

Releasing Fear ~ Goddess Light 3-15-20

She (The Goddess) informed us that this virus was fast to come in and fast to leave, meaning a month or so.

In order for the crystalline vibration to be stabilized upon the earth, there needs to be a release of the old paradigm and duality...

Releasing Fear ~ Goddess Light 3-15-20

This is one of the most powerful channels the Goddess has given us.  It takes place during the outbreak of covid 19 or the coronavirus. During this outbreak there has been a great deal of fear disruption in people’s lives; then in addition the many who have experienced the virus.  While there have been many different viruses that were quite virulent, this one has impacted the entire world whether it’s through quarantines, loss of revenue, disruption to plans; it goes on and on.

There is a great deal of fear that this has generated some of which is pertinent to the person, other of which is a part of the collective consciousness.   While you can look at this in many different ways, ultimately this is a releasing of fear so that the earth can be more fully in the higher vibration.

The Goddess speaks at length at the beginning about the affect of this virus both on individuals and the whole.  She spoke several times about Nama Sika, Venia Benya and why she gave us this phrase in the language of creation.  She informed us that this virus was fast to come in and fast to leave, meaning a month or so.

In order for the crystalline vibration to be stabilized upon the earth, there needs to be a release of the old paradigm and duality.  Fear is a foundation for many illnesses, dis-empowerment of people, and creates a sense of being stuck. As we clear for each person, we are clearing for the whole.

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