
Sunday, March 8, 2020

It’s Almost Time

Spring starts on Thursday, March 19th evening in the U.S. in just a week & a half. 
Till then,
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X22 Report -- Episode 2116: The Economy is about to Heat up, It’s Almost Time

The Economy Is About To Heat Up, Spring/Summer Are Going To Be Hot - Episode 2116a Messages Are Being Sent, It’s Almost Time, [T -2] And C...
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The Economy Is About To Heat Up, Spring/Summer Are Going To Be Hot - Episode 2116a

Messages Are Being Sent, It’s Almost Time, [T -2] And Counting,Time To Bring The Heat - Episode 2116b

By X22Report
Mar 8, 2020

The [CB] is now pushing the idea that no matter what the Fed does it will not help the economy. Lowering the rates, pushing stimulus will not help, we heard this before the last time around when the MSM was pushing a recession. The opposite happened and it will happen this time. The economy is getting ready to heat up, everything is now in place, it's going to be a hot spring/summer.

The [DS] is getting ready to push their event even harder, after that the [DS] will be low on ammunition, this is when the spring/summer bring the heat. [JS] did not get his case dismissed. KH endorses JB. Articles now appear to show MO might enter the race. Crowdstrike distances themselves from the Russian hack of the DNC server. Messages are being sent, the heat is coming, [T -2] and counting.

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