
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Process Acceleration, December Energies, World Tensions

The light forces just outside of Earth's atmosphere are doing things that most could not even begin to imagine. All in preparation for the final event.

We have stated previously that no more delays are permitted. This still stands. Mother Earth herself is exhausted.

She is ready to make the full jump. And she has given this news to the Spiritual Hierarchy....

There's a probability thathings may go into high acceleration once we reach a certain point as time contracts.
And in the final analysis, Mother Knows Best,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below
& More of Mine Above****

KejRaj Report: Process Acceleration, December Energies, World Tensions

Era of Light Report 12/3/2019: Process Acceleration, December Energies, World Tensions

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

All is moving forward indeed, whether we see it with our physical eyes or not. As a matter of a fact, stop, close your eyes and FEEL the change. You are a part of this change, you are bringing this change about with your thoughts, words and actions. So think, speak, act in alignment with your soul self. Be still and silent, go within, and see all the pieces falling into place.

The light forces just outside of Earth's atmosphere are doing things that most could not even begin to imagine. All in preparation for the final event.

We have stated previously that no more delays are permitted. This still stands. Mother Earth herself is exhausted. She is ready to make the full jump. And she has given this news to the Spiritual Hierarchy.

All is ready. All are in agreement that the process must move forward as Mother Earth wishes. Everything is about to accelerate from here on.

What can you do? Do all that you can to maintain your composure. This entire month of December in particular, hold your light and your peace.

From heart to heart, I am KejRaj!

The Federation of Light: You Are Being Of Great Service

Welcome ONE and ALL. We thank you for your accolades, Dearest Blossom and yet, we are very much in the background upon this mission. For it is you … YOU BEAUTIFUL BEINGS OF LIGHT upon the Earth plane, that are the ones who are BEING(S) OF GREAT SERVICE. » Source

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: World Tension Escalates

The fall of JPMorgan Chase and his petrodollar would of course mean the fall of the Rockefeller and Bush dynasties. This could be one of the reasons why our usual Pentagon source suggests that a serious fight alienates the Western military from the British royal family. » Full Article

Q & A with KejRaj: Origins, Currency, Spiritual Gifts

Yes and yes. Though some are saying the Solar Flash may not be necessary. This just isn’t so. The Solar Flash is imperative if this planet is to cleanse all the remaining residue and ascend in right timing. Things will NOT continue as they are now, or it would take humanity another 100 years or longer. » Source

December 2019 Ascension Energies; Powerful Love

As we come to the end of 2019, I hope you find some time to look back over the year and see your progress toward Freedom. Your inner realm is your sacred space. How you nurture and flow your inner, interacts with the external, shaping the human experience. » Source

George Soros is Buying the Government While Saying His “Enemies” Are “Would-Be Dictators”

Billionaire financier George Soros is buying the United States government with wads of lobbying money. As he attempts to own politicians by buying them (lobbying), he’s calling his critics “would-be dictators” who will not succeed. » Source

Saint Germain: We Know You Are Tired

Hello friends and family. I am your St. Germaine. I am here on official business, which is to cheer you up and to let you now that yes, all is proceeding nicely and that the payouts are being paid out. Now to those of you who have not heard hide nor hare of this it may feel like this proclamation is a bit of an eye roller. » Source

Earth’s Chaos

Major movements by the negative rulers towards the surface population for complete control of Earth is coming to a halt. This agenda has been reversed engineered shall we say and a push towards a more positive timeline is being activated. » Source

Ex-Chief Adviser for UN Children’s Program Has Been Convicted & Jailed for Pedophilia

With Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew making headlines across mainstream media around the globe, many people who weren’t aware of elite level pedophilia have now had their minds blown wide open. » Source

Archangel Zadkiel: The Light of Higher Consciousness

A new wave of consciousness is enveloping your planet and those who inhabit it. With each new wave of incoming higher frequency energy, you are invited to expand your awareness and raise your consciousness to a higher level and carry a greater quotient of Light. » Source

USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer Jaynes, Who Penned Thrillers Exposing The Murderous Vaccine Deep State, Found Shot To Death

Jennifer Jaynes, USA Today bestselling author of Malice and other novels exposing the vaccine deep state, was found shot to death on Monday, November 25th, according to media reports (see links below). » Source

The Great Awakening is Occurring Already

The solar flash is a culmination of waves of energy building … over many years, heightening your consciouness, shifting the light quotient within your very cells. Drawing your vibration higher and higher and Acclumcating it so that your body can shift to a higher dimension. » Source

Public Schools Are Brainwashing Factories For Children

School is a twelve-year jail sentence where bad habits are the only curriculum truly learned. I teach school and win awards doing it. I should know. » Source

Why Let Go?

When you are shut down in sadness it is nearly instinctive to believe that you can only feel differently once your life circumstances become different. » Source

Another Reason to Avoid the Hospital

In case you needed another reason to avoid going to the hospital, a new study has shown that it’s the human contact in hospitals that is behind the spread of some deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria. » Source

The Energies Coming Up for December

Well here we go into December, and I promise that the energies will knock your socks off! (If unlike me, you still have socks. » Source

Mine are long gone with this year's power shifts! ha ha)
Well, we have a very powerful 12/12/12 alignment and portal on the 12th of December 2019, which reduces to a 3/3/3 and adds up to a 9.
To add to the mix, the sun is in the 13th sign of Ophiucus, which is the sign of the Healer, so we can expect more powerful energies to be moving through. (If you follow 12 sign astrology then it is Sagittarius, which also packs quite a powerful punch!)
All those 3 and 9 numbers indicate a focus on the Earth, the Divine Feminine and Abundance. The Planet is gearing up for the 2020 New Beginning. The 9 brings in the element of Great Wisdom and Sovereign Power, when the Planet will be initiated into the leadership of the Field of Love and Christ Consciousness and the Planetary Council of Elders.
As Earth moves closer to the Galactic Center alignment on the 15th December (6 Divine Union energy), we will feel the incoming Diamond Light Radiance and the Diamond Codes from the Galactic Council.
And then on the 21/12/2019, which is also a 3/3/3 alignment, we have the Solstice and the rebirthing of the Planet into a new period of Galactic Light.
So the portal dates are 3rd December (3/3/3) and 12th December 12/12/12 or 3/3/3 and 21/12/12 or 3/3/3). The 3 dates are linked as the power builds and is transmitted through the web of light that forms the portals and brings the energy to us.
We can expect Love, Abundance and Joy....and anything that is not will be urged to release and move on and out!

Fmr. Presidential Adviser Indicted for Holding 14-y/o Boy Captive as His Sex Slave

A onetime informal adviser to the Trump campaign who is charged with bringing a 14-year-old Czech boy to the United States for sex failed to persuade a federal judge that the crime is too old to prosecute. » Source

Watch Hurricane Getting Destroyed by HAARP Just Before Reaching US Military Bases On Oahu

How large was the danger posed to the US Military on and around Oahu? It was SO large, there was a highest level US Navy alert and warning issued a couple days before Hurricane Lane was due to slam into Oahu… potentially causing hundreds of millions in damage to military installations which control the entire Asia Pacific theater. » Source
Click here for the previous Era of Light report.

Source: Era of Light

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