
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

5D Matrix ~ Transmission from Pleiadian Forces and Solar Portal

We are moving into the 5D Matrix in Waves of energy, Now, in October & Novemberead more here & linked below,


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 Video Version of Transmission from Pleiadian Forces and Solar Portal

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Transmission from Pleiadian Forces and Solar Portal

Channeled By Tiona
30th October 2019

Dear People of Earth and Starseeds,

We are observing you in ways you could not imagine

And constantly, we are monitoring your changes by the Medical Teams of Federation

Are you aware of your transformation?

You ask: “When will this project end?”

Our answer is: “It is up to you!”

So, be the conscious recipient of “Consciousness”!

Receive it and operate it in all aspects of your life

So that you can celebrate your liberation faster.

You are equipped with Divine Wisdom!

Have intention of connecting with Cosmic Source

And consciously request these changes everyday

The 3D mind resistances for these changes only make them painful for you

Thus, welcome changes and be responsible for it. This is part of your lessons on 3D Earth. So, everyone’s graduation depends on themselves.

Confirm your greatness!

Do not wait for Stars and Planets’ movement!

Instead, it is YOU and the whole universe is waiting for YOU now to take action!

Ascended Masters are the ones who teach you that you are your own Master!

And they’re trying to make you believe that one sentence.

Those Masters do not need to have any followers

And they see you like themselves as the children of creator of the universe!

They are like mirrors who are trying to reflect your greatness in you

Great people of Earth,

Tell us now, and show that you are ready for the latest leap phases!

We see all your changes, your heartfelt desires and your efforts.

Our accurate monitors with a system that is not yet understandable to you are observing you.

God protects you

God protects you

And we love you!

Thursday, 24 October 2019

"Koa" - The representative of Higher Medical Council of Sirian-Arcturian.

Transmission from Higher Medical Council of Sirian-Arcturian

Subject: Plasma Uploading of Earth Poles

while big portals open in earth’s poles and 5D plasma injects to deeper layers of earth, we can see the faster adaptation of earth residence’s layered bodies with the created changes. Therefore, the decision for closer schedules for re-injections was made.

You will experience living in 5D matrix within maximum next 7 earth days (30th-31stOct 2019). Also, this short experience of few hours will be extended to longer experiences during second Ten Days of November. 

it will create consciousness and readiness for faster adaptation. Hearts of the real people of earth and starseeds beat for each other and to aware each other. And this is an attribute of children of light.

In post-event communications, remember the name of “Rainbow children” the pleiadians who will have the first presence of civilizations associated with galactic federation of light with you. 

By completely entering to fifth dimension, pleiadian brothers and sisters can establish the closest contact with you ( those who vibrate higher) by lowering their vibration , and they are counting for that day from now.

As you want to know how your future is, they are also enthusiastic to encounter with their past as well.

We thank from God for creating such remarkable and amazing story. The story that we all participated in its creation. 

“Koa” the representative of Higher Medical Council of Sirian-Arcturian.

Channeled by Tiona
24th Oct 2019

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