
Saturday, September 21, 2019

Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for September 22, 2019

The Republic is being gradually restored.
Once DECLAS is complete and the government has been purged of Deep State Cabal corruption; various acts that have already been introduced are expected to be passed...

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - September 22, 2019

Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT -September 22, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

The Republic is being gradually restored. 

Once DECLAS is complete and the government has been purged of Deep State Cabal corruption; various acts that have already been introduced are expected to be passed. 

These acts are under the Earth Alliance's GESARA agenda. 
HR25 -Fair Tax Act  
HR193 -Sovereignty Act  
HR24 -Act to Audit the Federal Reserve  
HR10 -Act to repeal the Dodd Frank act and end bank bailouts S2155 -Solution to Economic Recovery, Banking Changes, and Consumer Protection 

In other news, El Salvador is expected to convert an unfinished nuclear power plant with Tesla technology and introduce free energy. 

This will create new investment opportunities in free energy technology. 

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is now lending billions of dollars to major banks to keep them afloat.

This signifies that central banking is failing and the fiat money system is imploding. 

A new type of asset-backed money system is the only solution. 

According to sources, several indicators suggest Iraq will soon revalue their currency. 

Other currencies are expected to revalue as well once each country either adopts the gold standard or a type of asset-backed money system.

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