
Monday, August 26, 2019

RV/Intelligence Alert: "Final Leg" -- August 26, 2019

Arrests, indictments, prosecutions, and trials will last throughout the remainder of the year.

Operation Disclosure


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

President Trump is currently out of country at the G7 Summit in France.

All world leaders at the summit have been given briefings on what to discuss at the summit.

The implementation of the New (Gold-Backed) Financial System will be discussed behind closed doors.

IG Michael Horowitz has completed his investigation into the alleged FISA court abuses and his findings will be given to AG Barr by next week.

The Inspector General's findings will allow the Attorney General to begin DECLAS triggering the arrests and prosecutions of various high profile individuals and government officials.

Arrests, indictments, prosecutions, and trials will last throughout the remainder of the year.

Meanwhile, the Governor of the Bank of England claims that the US Dollar can no longer be the World's Reserve Currency.

Also, various banks are claiming to be broke which signifies that the Fiat Financial System can no longer sustain itself.

The New York Stock Market is in the red, losing all gains for the year.

Ron Paul claims the Federal Reserve is on its final legs.

The Federal Reserve will soon cease to exist after the US Dollar drops significantly triggering the return to the gold standard.

President Trump will ensure the return to the gold standard by executive order and declaring a State of Emergency.

The RV will begin before the US Dollar drops.

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