
Saturday, June 22, 2019

You’re Invited: June 23, Next Nationwide Group Meditation & Summer Celebration

For those who would like to join this Nationwide Meditation it's at 6PM NYC Time & 3PM PCT Sunday.
Adjusthe Time to your location as 1,000s of Meditators Join Together Connecting withe Transcendental.
If you don't have a meditation technique just gently focus on the Grace of Our Almighty*Father*Mother.
Bathe in their Grace as we bring the Infinite Absolute to Life within Ourselves & thruouthe Planet,

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS Below  & More @ GJack Above****

-----Original Message-----
From: TM Center
Sent: Thu, Jun 20, 2019 5:42 am
Subject: You’re Invited: June 23, Next Nationwide Group Meditation & Summer Celebration

Transcendental Meditation * News, Events, Announcements
The New York City TM® Technique
You're Invited Nationwide Group Meditation and Summer Celebration 8 people meditating with eyes closed, field of purple, pink, yellow, orange, and red flowers
Please Join Us for the Next Nationwide TM Group Meditation
and Summer Celebration
Sunday, June 23, 5:20 pm
5:30 pm — Group TM Checking
6:05 pm — Nationwide Group Meditation
Light refreshments
Summer celebration videos

You are invited to participate in any or all of the evening’s events.
Nationwide Group Meditation: Sunday, June 23
Please plan to arrive for the Group Meditation that will start promptly at 6:05 pm. East Coastime & @ 3:05 PM PCTIME
For those who cannot make it to the Center, we’d still love you to join us by meditating at the same time 6:05 pm, wherever you are. 

Summer Celebration videos
  • Living in Accord with the Laws of Nature (14 min.), Seelisberg, Switzerland, 1973. In this interview, Maharishi describes how our practice of Transcendental Meditation naturally cultures a level of consciousness that is in tune with and brings us the support of all the laws of nature.
  • Inspiring Highlights from 14 Years of Bringing the TM Technique to Those in Need (8 min.) Enjoy these highlights of the extraordinary work of the David Lynch FoundationSM in bringing the TM technique to those most in need around the world.

“I truly enjoy the group meditations. I feel drawn more deeply into the shared experience, and always come away with a lasting peace unlike any other.” —Maggie Lang, Salinas, CA

We’d love to hear your experiences
If you have participated in a Nationwide, All-Americas, or Global TM Group Meditation and would like to share your experience(s), please fill out this brief survey. Thank you very much!
We look forward to seeing you there and wish you a joyous, healthy, and happy summer.

To see a calendar of all of our regular and upcoming events, click here.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to our scholarship or general center fund, click on this green TM Friend button and where it says "Purpose or TM Center" select the Downtown Manhattan, Brooklyn, or Madison Avenue center:
Thanks so much!

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Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, and David Lynch Foundation are protected trademarks
and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.

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