
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Message from Sananda about the Plasma coming in

The plasma coming in is a beautiful gift. We can program it with all that we want.
I will leave you with what Sananda said to me “You must ask yourselves in each moment, What am I programming?”

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Message from Sananda about the Plasma coming in

I am dropping a quick note before I head off into the woods to recharge.
During a session with a client the other day, Sananda (who had an incarnation as Jesus) came in to talk to the client about what was going on with the energies. He said that there is an important distinction with the energy that is coming in.
He showed me a plasma like substance, we have been receiving plasma for a while, but what he showed me was almost like a membrane. He explained that this plasma is PROGRAMMABLE.
This is really important to understand. If what is coming in is programmable, we can choose exactly how it is programmed. We can choose which frequencies we want to program it with, what thoughts, what feelings, what reality.
It has no choice but to obey and then run with it.
What is also fascinating is that at the same time the outside noise is super LOUD. People are at each other, finding fault with one another, like drunks looking for a fight. This is because not only are we receiving programmable plasma we are also receiving codes that help us to walk in our empowerment. Yet before one becomes empowered they must let go of all the things that are not in alignment. This is very uncomfortable and some feel the need to release that discomfort onto others in an attempt to figure out why they feel the way they do. It is always easier to be pissed at another, blame another instead of looking into ourselves.
We have to do our best to not get caught up in the distraction and stay in the state of creation. Creating and focusing on what we do want in our lives.
What was explained to me is that anything we hold within that is fixed must go. These are the belief systems that separate us or hold us back, these are fears, insecurities, lack, worthiness, and unforgiveness (of self and others) that we still hold within. We have to let these go.
Fixed constructs keep us from experiencing the fluidity of reality which contains the abundance and connections that we long for on this journey.
The plasma coming in is a beautiful gift. We can program it with all that we want. I will leave you with what Sananda said to me “You must ask yourselves in each moment, What am I programming?”
Sending you all love and big hugs. Thank you to all who read and share this work. It is so very appreciated.
Jenny Schiltz
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