
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Mueller Time is Over; Time to Pay the Barr Tab.”""""


President Donald Trump issued an order Thurs. May 23 allowing Attorney General William Barr to declassify any information Barr sees fit during his review of the events that prompted the FBI to open an investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The order also directed leaders of the U.S. intelligence community and other 
departments and agencies to cooperate with Barr during his review.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 24 2019

Compiled May 24 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: the biography of Jenny Hill.” Under direction of a CIA Operative and as a six year-old, Jenny was tortured by a Satanic coven, forced to witness a child sacrifice and save for divine intervention, was almost killed herself: Articles on a CIA/ Vatican Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult:

Source: Dinar Chronicles

Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid. A Special Thank You to Martha for her untiring research, to Dale who keeps me in line and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. In all your giving, please don’t forget exploited children.

Judy Note: The Plan was in motion according to reliable sources. By Fri. May 24 notification to set appointments would be through text, 800#s and websites, with exchanges/ redemptions beginning sometime on that same Fri. May 24. Deadline to redeem the Zim was June 1.

On Thurs. evening May 23 President Trump gave Attorney General Barr written authority to declassify FISA documents. With Trump flying out of the country Fri. morning it was suspected that arrests on over 100,000 sealed federal indictments would begin in earnest.

A. May 23 2019 9:03 EST Update: All is Rushing Forward, Anonymous:

1. The UST stated that the Chinese were pushing for all to be done tomorrow Fri. May 24, including the 800 numbers.

2. June 1 was when the Zim Contract would end. They were pushing hard for release. Everything was in alignment.

3. Banks have indicated that things were moving much faster with HSBC now being the lead bank.

4. Exchange Centers were planning on doing 5-6 people at a time at each center.

5. The Value Date would come out by morning, and then the 800 numbers would be out.

6. Some banks have been converted to foreign currency Exchange/Redemption Centers.

7. If you call and have questions they will put you through to a banker.

8. The process was looking extremely good.

9. A certain bank requested to go next Tues. May 28 after the holiday weekend, but the Chinese wanted more days before the June 1 Zim deadline, so turned down the request.

10. Package dispersals would be in sync with the 800 numbers coming out.

11. All liquidity on SKRs and groups was to be done today. We may have the Value late tonight, but definitely by tomorrow Fri. May 24.

12. The Chinese were hand holding all procedures and take over when there were issues.

13. We are feeling that all would start tomorrow Fri. May 24 and would know by 2am EST.

14. The Elders wanted this completed and were expecting 95% of the people to be unprepared.

15. They suggested that you set up a Revocable Grantor Trust where you were in charge of all of your monies so you could make decisions and move monies over the next 90 days while setting things up.

16. The banks were not your friend and would do things in their own favor.

17. If you did not have a Revocable Grantor Trust you could set up a Skeleton Trust as it was expected that you would get proof of funds on the first day.

18. The more organized you were, the better off you were going to be. Have your documents and basic decisions in document form to show the bank.

19. Your Zim rate would be determined by your presentation of your humanitarian program. It was suggested that you have a short synopsis of your humanitarian program written out in bullet points.

20. Rumor was that they were going to do a 1:1 rate for humanitarian projects and a lesser rate for those without projects.

21. Tomorrow Fri. May 24 would be the Value Date. They were serious for this to be over.

22. It was advised to obtain your appointment as soon as possible.

B. May 23 2019 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1. Around 11 am this morning Packets went out and should be completed by 11 pm EST tonight May 23.

2. We should go soon after that.

3. Exchanges should start tomorrow Fri. May 24, would go through weekend and into June.

4. A certain Tier 1 Bank wanted to wait until after Memorial weekend. US Treasury told them they could not.

5. The 800s would go out tonight between now and midnight or early tomorrow morning Fri. May 24.

6. Placeholder rates went off the screens today Thurs. May 23.

7. Native American claims have been paid out.

8. SKRs began paying out today May 23 and were still being paid out.

C. May 23 2019 Evening Coffee with MarkZ: MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions.

MZ: According to many we are right on top of this! I am hearing we may get the 800 numbers tonight. I was told they were waiting for the west coast to close.

MZ I got 4 or 5 calls from Reno banking side this afternoon, and they say "We are sitting on go."

MZ: SKR's are poised for delivery. They are waiting for the OK to send us instructions so we can go to our bank and get our account.

MZ: Being told the Elders will not give an extension on Zim redemptions so they are being forced to do banking this weekend.

MZ: I heard from my contact at the redemption center, and they expect to work all weekend.

MZ: Paymasters told me today they are holding CMKX releases until 8 pm this evening EST waiting for the west coast banks to close.

MZ: Even if I sign an NDA tonight, I will be on tomorrow to talk about other stuff. If I see numbers tonight, I will tweet. I will not leave you hanging. I still hear I can help release the 800 numbers.

MZ I am hearing Zim exchanges tomorrow. (They wanted all Zim turned in by June 1st.)



Q: @theoriginalmarkz Is President Trump's announcement of $16B for farmers, actually "paying the farmer's claims"? TY!

MZ: It very well could be.

MZ: I have heard bank fees have been rolled over into the exchange rate so we do not have to pay extra fees.

MZ: Nothing can stop this.

MZ: I am told there will be no NDA except for Zim or large amounts of other currency. That is exciting.


MZ: Royal Bank of Canada is clearing house for Canada is what I am being told.

Q: State taxes, yes or no?


MZ: I do not believe there will be state taxes because of the VAT move, but not sure.


MZ: If I get the 800 numbers, I will send a tweet, and we will have a stream. Next stream scheduled for 10 AM Friday EST. I do think we are there. We have all been burned, but I am excited tonight. There is a whole lot I am sitting on that I can't share, but I really think its ending now.

D. May 23 Morning Coffee with MarkZ:

1. Paymasters have money to release and they hope to today May 23.

2. Eagleone2025: NDA is on it’s way. We hope by the end of the day May 23.

3. Eagleone2015: All we can do is pray and wait for the 800#.

4. At 2am today Mark was told that the 800 would be released sometime throughout the day today May 23.

5. SKRs to be released today May 23.

6. For security reasons they would deliver the packages at the same time as the SKRs would be made liquid, which would be sometime this afternoon May 23.

7. Iranian Rial would be in the first basket.

8. There were four options for Zim redemption:

a. You don’t have a humanitarian project, don’t care: lower rate with no restrictions

b. You have a written plan for humanitarian projects: much higher rate.

c. You want to invest in humanitarian: higher rate.

d. You don’t have a feasible humanitarian plan – they have a list of humanitarian you can invest in: higher rate.

9. Lower Zim rates do not have to be paid out on a long term payout.

10. Higher Zim rates paid on a long term payout at a much higher rate.

11. Exchange all Zim within 5 days before June 1. Make your appointment immediately.

12. All currencies exchanged within 10-12 days.

13. NDA was only on the Zim unless you were an extremely large currency holder.

14. Eagleone2025: Your NDA will stay with the plan you pick and the terms. If it is a five years, it is five years. Warning: If once your contract is done it is best to never talk about it to anyone, even if you are not under an NDA – for your own protection and security. Why tell anyone?

14. Eagleone2025: NDAs are only tied to the Zim, but it is better to keep quiet for your own security. Like sons and daughters who tell their best friend, who now tells someone else, and on and on. Now you have trouble. Those lips sink ships.

15. Farm packages have not yet started delivery, but would be released sometime today May 23.

16. Eagleone2050: Once the RV happens the Republic will be restored. Trump will make sure that is carried out. Military plans are in place. Just pray and watch. The current American system will not stand much longer. The collapse is very near. This has to get done.

17. Eagleone2015: Zim Notes 2008-2009 AA – the ones with the rocks – will be redeemed. All Zim will be done under international law. They will do 50T and 100T first, but the rest has to be done under international law. This info is also coming from high financial sources.

18. Both SKRs and 800s were expected at any moment. They are calling it Value Day.

19. They absolutely wanted to do it over the weekend. Banks wanted it pushed to Tues. May 28. The Powers that Be wouldn’t go for it because they needed Zim redeemed before that.

20. You will be contacted by phone or text.

E. Martial Law: The US has been operating under a State of Declared War since Sept. 2001 following the 9/11 Attack.

Executive Order 13618, signed July 6, 2012 by President Obama. "Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions" grants the President absolute control over all U.S. media, including internet tech giants (social media), news networks and news websites.

Executive Order 13818, signed December 20, 2017 by President Trump put the nation under a Declared National Emergency. "Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption" This document specifically describes the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey and Robert Mueller under the "corruption" section, alluding to the Uranium One scandal and Obama's multi-billion dollar money laundering operation that handed nuclear weapons capabilities to Iran.

Executive Order 13825, signed March 1, 2018 by President Trump. "2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States" establishes the preservation of the government's right to prosecute crimes of Treason and Deep State collusion against America, all of which may be prosecuted via Military Tribunals under existing U.S. law.

Soon President Trump was expected to invoke the Insurrection Act (full Martial Law) as the country was no longer able to handle the mass influx of illegal immigrants:

F. May 23 2019 12:28 am EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for May 23, 2019 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

1. China was a significant global supplier of Rare Earth Minerals. REMs were crucial in producing a wide arrangement of technology applications in both civilian and military industries. Therefore, China had a crucial economic and strategic edge over other nations.

2. According to sources, China was expected to cut off exports of REM to the U.S. if a trade deal was not reached. This cut off would undermine the U.S. economy and potentially cause adverse effects such as a Stock Market crash.

3. A Stock Market crash would mark the end of the fiat financial system and the birth of a new Quantum Financial System (QFS).

4. Zimbabwe's RTGS$ currency was expected to be internationally recognized before August.

5. All Zimbabwe Bond Notes were expected to be redeemed prior to the RTGS$ becoming internationally recognized.

G. Geopolitical:

Thurs. May 23 Presidential Order for Declassification, Fox News:

Trump tweets: "delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation."

President Donald Trump issued an order Thurs. May 23 allowing Attorney General William Barr to declassify any information Barr sees fit during his review of the events that prompted the FBI to open an investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The order also directed leaders of the U.S. intelligence community and other departments and agencies to cooperate with Barr during his review.

The memorandum to the heads of agencies to cooperate with Barr's inquiry included the Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Department, State Department, and Energy Department." Today, at the request and recommendation of the Attorney General of the United States, President Donald J. Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General's investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement, per the Washington Examiner.

"The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information," she added. "Today's action will help ensure that all Americans learn the truth about the events that occurred, and the actions that were taken, during the last presidential election and will restore confidence in our public institutions."

May 23 2019 12:25 am EST US-China Proxy War Escalates, Fulford: "US-China Proxy War Escalates" - Fulford Report - 5.20.19 Benjamin FulfordWhite Dragon Society

1. An engineered crash of the Indonesian rupiah and stock markets will further destabilize the Widodo regime. CIA sources in Southeast Asia agree, and say it might be a good time to temporarily evacuate funds from Indonesia.

2. Despite efforts like this by the Rothschilds to cover up the Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 scandal, it is also coming to a head in Holland. Already Russia has formally accused the Dutch government of covering up evidence relating to the downing of that flight. In diplomatic terms, that’s close to a declaration of war. It’s just a matter of time before this murderous farce is exposed to the world.

3. Hopefully the liberation of the United States from Khazarian mafia control will be the trigger. Here, Pentagon sources are now telling us that, “As sealed indictments approach 100,000, Mueller time is over; time to pay the Barr tab.”

4. The sources respond that as a start, U.S. President Donald Trump “may” release Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz and former FBI Director James Comey reports, plus declassify FISA documents before leaving for the UK and France on June 2 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day. “D-Day may come to have a new meaning.”

5. Efforts by the Zionists to stave off all these investigations by stirring up trouble in the Middle East are also failing dramatically. The recommendation by former CIA Operations Officer and U.S. Marine Intelligence agent Robert David Steele that Trump call Iranian leadership has had an effect, the Pentagon sources say. “Trump may have a summit with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei which may help in his dealings with North Korea,” they say.

H. International Child Trafficking

May 23 2019 Fifty children saved as international paedophile ring busted:

I. Calendar:

Mon. May 13: Black Monday Stock Market implosion, as it did exactly a week ago.

Fri. May 17 before the Stock Market closed, Trump deliberately cut off talks for a Trade Agreement with China so that China and other nations would dump their U.S. Treasury holdings. This would bankrupt the U.S. Corporation and eliminate their fiat dollar Central Banking system – a necessary move so that the new asset/gold-backed Quantum Financial System could replace the fiat dollar and take over the global economy. Beginning of notification for redemption window that ended Fri. May 24.

Mon. May 20: Black Monday Stock Market implosion.

Tues. May 21, late: Gold Treaty Revisions signed and implemented.

Thurs. May 23: Stock Market plunged, again, due to China-US Trade War. Trump gives AG Barr authority to declassify FISA documents:

Fri. May 24: Deadline for beginning of Zim redemption. Trump to be out of country.

Tues May 28, Wed. May 29: Trump ordered declassification of FISA, Comey Reports.

Sun. June 2: Trump ordered declassification of Horowitz investigation. Trump leaves for the UK. (It was not known if he planned to return after leaving May 24).

At any time results of the GITMO 9/11 Tribunal could be announced. 9/11 was said planned by prominent political elites who had a practice of stealing funds from the US Treasury and global monetary system. (GITMO Tribunal officially began Jan. 28 2019).

Thurs. Aug. 1: Zimbabwe's RTGS$ currency internationally recognized.

Thurs. Aug 1: A new US Income Tax Code announcement – no personal income tax and in it’s place, a value-added tax (VAT), or 23% tax on new items only (no tax on used items, food or medicine), with special exceptions for the poor. The IRS was said to have been shut down in April 2019. The flat tax code was said to be effective on Jan. 1 2020, although the attached link mentioned Jan. 1 2021

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