
Thursday, May 9, 2019

It's Happening! "Starts Unfolding Next Few Days"

In this video, we hear everything is going to be blown out of the water within the next few days.SpaceShot76 -- It's Happening! "Starts Unfolding Next Few Days"

Image courtesy of SpaceShot76.

It’s Happening!!! “Starts unfolding Next few Days”

By SpaceShot76
Published on May 9, 2019

Very interesting hearing today where they tried to make Bill bar look bad as if he was protecting President Trump, what all he was doing was following the law to the letter, the Democrats still playing these games because they know what is coming, all of their illegal activities will be looked into by the new attorney general and as predicted, couple of clips From Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows saying that we could possibly see this thing starting to be unraveled within the next few days, we also have the port of long beach and it’s foreign control will be no more!!!

[OpDis Editor Note: SpaceShot76 is another good reviewer of Q drops and Q-related news. In this video, we hear everything is going to be blown out of the water within the next few days.]

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