
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Global Group Meditation @ 6pm ECT Sunday 5-19-19

Over 5 Million people have learned TM, so these are Potent moments as we gather Together across the Planet.
Call on the Grace of Almighty*Father*Mother God*dess if you haven't been taught TM as TM takes you there automatically. Also 6PM East CoasTime is... 3PM PacifiCoasTime as All time zones are linked below,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS Below  & More @ GJack Above****

 Global Group Meditation
Schedule for the 19th at  Jacksonville  Transcendental Meditation®  Center
5:00 pm: "Knowledge Knugget" — short discussion of a key fact about TM and consciousness
5:30 pm: Group Checking of TM — including a 10-minute meditation, simultaneously with other TM Centers
5:45 pm: TM News Update
******6:05 pm: Nationwide Group Meditation — along with thousands of Meditators and Sidhas across the country
6:45 pm: TM-Sidhi Program Lift off — along with Sidhas across the countrySunday, Jan. 13 — 
Global Group Meditation schedules:
Sunday, May 19 — Global Group Meditation
Sunday, June 23 — Nationwide Group Meditation & Summer Celebration
Sunday, Sept. 22 — Global Group Meditation & Fall Celebration
Sunday, Oct. 27 — Global Group Meditation

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