
Thursday, April 11, 2019

RV/Intelligence Alert: "Remainders" -- April 11, 2019

The process to reform these financial organizations and institutions is all that remains for the RV to begin.
The remaining Cabal/Deep State corruption within the US and the EU does not affect the timing of the RV...
RV/Intelligence Alert: "Remainders" -- April 11, 2019
4/11/2019 03:15:00 AM  Earth Alliance, Geopolitics, GESARA, Intel, RV/GCR  
Operation Disclosure
The reformation of the IMF and the WB is now in process.

Meanwhile, the return of the gold-standard is slowly but surely becoming a reality.

The global economy is being setup for the new quantum financial system (QFS).

Sources claim the corruption within financial organizations and institutions (IMF, WB, etc.) has been removed.

All personnel within these organizations and institutions have either switched sides and/or are being kept in-check by covert undercover intelligence operatives working for the Earth Alliance..

The process to reform these financial organizations and institutions is all that remains for the RV to begin.

The remaining Cabal/Deep State corruption within the US and the EU does not affect the timing of the RV.

Rather, it affects the timing of the transition to GESARA compliance.

The Deep State corruption within the US Government will be removed via DECLAS.

The remaining Cabal in the EU will face total collapse after the Brexit issue has been solved.

Brexit and DECLAS are one in the same, both events related to the removal of the remaining Cabal corruption.

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