
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sierra (NZ) -- Hannity: 'Avalanche of New Developments'

Sean Hannity from Fox News uses the magic Q word 'avalanche' in an explosive hit on the Deep State. Check out his 3 minute video clip on President Trump's Twitter feed...
Hannity: 'Expect more damning revelations about how the dossier was written, where its information was derived and how high ranking officials inside our federal government ABUSED their power to help Hillary get elected, and later to take down Donald Trump. Now we're on the cusp of what is an AVALANCHE of new developments...'
Buckle up, folks - we are about to witness the final take-down of the Deep State.
D5 avalanche incoming...!
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
3/19/2019 11:46:00 PM  Deep State, QAnon, Trump, USA  
Source: Dinar Chronicles

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