
Thursday, February 14, 2019


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Restored Republic via a GCR as of Feb. 15, 2019

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Feb. 15 2019

Compiled 15 Feb. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces.” Articles on a CIA/Vatican Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult:

Source: Dinar Chronicles

Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Special Thank You to Martha for her untiring research efforts in discerning the Truth, Dale who keeps me in line and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophiles to help us Save the Children. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. 

Judy Note: With Trump declaring a national emergency on Feb. 14 (as a cover for the RV and pending arrests on 76,492 sealed indictments), Zim redemption already happening, the new Iraqi Dinar rate international, a possible GESARA implementation on Feb. 16 and in preparation for the Global Currency Reset, notification to set redemption/ exchange appointments was expected at any time, possibly Feb. 15, or within the weekend with a Mon. Feb. 18 back wall deadline.

Fri. Feb. 15 midnight was the deadline for all nations to be GESARA compliant; to close the Federal Reserve and IRS, plus was when Zimbabwe was scheduled to announce their new monetary policy, including a new Zim gold/asset-backed Note that was expected to kick off the Global Currency Reset.

On Sat. Feb. 16 Trump was expected to fire Mueller, plus begin mass data dumps and arrests of political elites indicted on major crimes. On Feb. 13 a bipartisan Congressional Committee determined that corrosion between the Trump Campaign and Russia did not happen, though said it would look into Muller’s roles in Uranium One, FISA Court abuses and a 9/11 Coverup. It was rumored that charges against Muller were already filed.

Martial Law: On Feb. 14 Trump activated the National Emergencies Act, giving the government the right to call forth the militia, execute the laws, suppress an insurrection or repel an invasion. In addition to the humanitarian crisis at the border it was expected that the Emergency Act would be used to make arrests on over 76,492 indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office. (Most charges were said to include among other crimes, involvement in pedophilia and child trafficking – though prosecution for these crimes against children wouldn’t be immediately litigated because of a need for further investigation).

End of the Cabal Financial System: Feb. 14’s Brexit vote ended the global financial rule of the Cabal’s City of London and Vatican. On Feb. 15 Trump was expected to close the Cabal’s privately owned US Inc.’s Federal Reserve and IRS. The New York Stock Market has been on the brink of collapse since Oct. 1 2018 when it lost all gains for the year. By early March the financial giant was expected to crash, putting a final nail into the Cabal financial system’s coffin.

Stock Market Revival: A crash of global markets would hide the huge influx of monies from the Global Currency Reset, while Zim redemption would not only back the GCR, but revive the Stock Market.

RV for General Public: If public chaos occurred and to calm the masses, there would be a public announcement of the new Quantum Financial System that reset values of world currencies based on the individual countries’ gold/asset-backed resources – which should allow the RV to begin for the general public.

The Zim: There appeared to be some confusion about the Zim. It was my opinion that uncirculated 2008-2009 Zimbabwe Bond Notes if bought from a reputable dealer, could be redeemed on military bases with HSBC Private Bankers for a yet-to-be-determined rate that was dependent upon a redeemer’s humanitarian plan.

Zim Currency has not yet been placed on the market to be sold, thus was not changing in value and therefore would not be exchanged at a higher rate for profit. On Fri. Feb. 15 that would change as the new gold/asset-backed Zim Currency was expected to be introduced at a 1:1 value to the gold/asset-backed US Note, though would not be put into circulation until Aug. 1 2019.

Redemption/Exchanges: Currency exchange appointments would use 800#s sent out through websites or email. Zim redemption appointments would be made through emergency text, or email with the number to call. If you were a Zim redeemer and called an 800 number you would be steered to a redemption center in your area (expected to be a military base), or be given another number to call in order to obtain your redemption appointment. At the time of redemption you could give a list of those to whom you gifted Zim so that they could be contacted to redeem.

A. The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1. Iraq to activate their ATM machines on Sat. Feb. 16, which would convert USD to Dinar at the new rate.

2. Sun Feb. 17 or Mon Feb. 18 Iraq would implement their new financial laws.

3. The new screen rates should be effective Feb. 15 and started populating on IMF rate page Feb. 14.

4. GESARA was supposed to kick in globally Feb. 15.

5. Out West paymasters were liquid and have their release codes.

6. 800#s could be released at any time now. A bank intel person said we may get them on Feb. 15.

7. They want GCR start procedures done by Mon. Feb. 18.

8. Rates were moving up on the screens. We could negotiate higher rates if we had a humanitarian program.

B. Feb. 14 2019 9:24 pm EST SCOTUS Ruth Ginsberg Dead?, Reader: (Reader) Death Record for Ruth Ginsberg?

C. Feb. 14 2019 Intel Report, Super Shadow: Shadow Super Exopolitical Intel Report -- February 14, 2019

1. Tony Blair has been arrested according to a reliable Alliance source.

2. Blair had been holed up at a Cabal hideout on the Isle of Lewis in Northern Scotland and had been aware for over 5 days that the Alliance was going to issue an arrest warrant and was on the run.

3. The Alliance had enough information from informants at GITMO, as well as documents found at a Cabal Deep Underground Military Base (D.U.M.B.), located near Beautfort, Co. Kerry, Ireland last year.

4. In 2012, the Cabal was experimenting with low frequency/large amplitude radio waves on the local population in Beaufort. The Alliance had evidence that Blair signed off on these dangerous experiments. Locals despair as ‘The Hum’ makes life a living hell

5. The Alliance subsequently stormed that base last year and it has since been neutralized.

6. Blair was believed to be on a chartered flight to Montserrat for further interrogation prior to being sent to GITMO, according to the Alliance source.

D. Feb. 14 2019 11:05 pm EST, Fulford: Benjamin Fulford Snippet: Phase 2 of the Shutdown Incoming! The history of the $23 Trillion fraud bailout in 2008, upcoming 911 military tribunal, the border wall cover story, recent LA raids, desperation of the late term abortion push and discuss some upcoming dates that are important to watch in this ongoing battle for planetary liberation! Could March be the Apocalypse? (Apocalypse means to reveal). For previous releases in this long-running series of interviews:

E. Feb. 14 2019 9:48 pm EST Q, Sierra: Sierra (NZ) -- Q: Winning Bigly

F. Feb. 14 2019 Massive Swamp Draining, Fed Takeover, 16th Amendment Rescinded: Robert David Steele:

G. Feb. 12 2019 Exchange Process, Dr. Kyre (video):

H. Feb. 14 2019 12:52 am EST LA Military Exercise, Rod H.: "L.A. Military Exercise" by Rod H. - 2.14.19

1. Field McConnell (Abel Danger) and his sources were claiming that last week’s "Training Exercise" by the U.S. Military in L.A. was an active operation.

2. He said there was a Navy P8 aircraft locked in a circular orbit above L.A. for hours.

3. Allegedly this aircraft has the ability to detect Chemical and Nuclear devices. It is unclear if that is what the Navy was looking for.

4. He stated that items were extracted from a building on Wilshire Blvd. that was scheduled for controlled demolition.

I. Feb. 11 2019 12:08 am EST, Massive World Changes, Fulford Report: "Massive World Changes" - Fulford Report - 2.11.19

J. Feb. 13 2019 Q Post 2397, Countdown Active, Transparency Necessary, Area 17:
Mueller to face charges for Uranium One, FISA Court abuses, 9/11 Coverup

K. Feb. 14 2019 3:34 am EST Q: The Plan (video): (Video) Q: Everything you Need to Know about the Plan

L. Feb. 14 2019 3:33 am EST Heads About to Roll (video): (Video) Heads are about to Roll After the Congress Declared this Bipartisan Congressional committee determines there was no collusion, opening the way for charges of FISA abuse and multiple pre-dawn raids.

M. Feb. 14 2019 11:27 am EST Trump, Steele: Robert David Steele -- Understanding Donald Trump and the White House

1. Trump might be impeached by the House but never convicted by the Senate.

2. Trump has survived at least twelve, possibly fourteen assassination plots (not the same as direct attacks), and I believe the Secret Service is more competent and loyal today than it was when it collaborated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

3. You are on record as considering the Vice President, Mike Pence, to be disloyal, lazy, and in need of replacement. Is there a book that you have reviewed making that case?

A. Yes, but let me also say that in my capacity as Commissioner and Chief Counsel for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, there exists witness testimony that causes me grave concern. While uncorroborated – I must of course stress that point – sources appear to place then Governor Pence in relation to pedophilia cover-ups and abuses as bad as those documented in The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal

4. I have amply documented in my Memoranda for the President: 9/11 Truth — 9/11 was done by the Zionists enabled by Dick Cheney with cover-up services provided by Robert Mueller.

N. Feb. 13 World Updates America, Australia, Austria (video), Goldfish Report 332: (Video) The GoldFish Report -- Casual World News Updates from America, Australia and Austria Louisa welcomes back co-hosts Steve in Austria and Tim Emslie in Sydney Australia to talk about Geopolitics. Tim reports on the state of censorship in Australia, historic flooding and aftermath, extreme heat and freezing temps all the while during an 8 hour blackout in Syndey! Steve reports on the environment in Europe with respect to finance, yellow vest revolution Venezuela and Q Anon's global influence and the Great Awakening. Louisa reports on the state of affairs.

O. Feb. 14 2019 12:16 am EST GITMO, 10 Days Till Pain: (Video) Gitmo Channel -- Ten Days Till 223 Pain Will PAIN arrive Feb. 23, 2019? Will Barr declassify FISA immediately? Will the NK Summit publicly remove leverage once and for all? Anon's ready? Let the PAIN begin.

P. Feb. 14 2019 12:15 am EST AG to go after Deep State (videos), Black Conservative Patriot: (Videos) AG Bill Barr to Finally Go After Deep State Swamp | No Collusion | What Happened in LA? As usual there are more glitches in the matrix. The pain of reality has begun to creep up on our favorite nitwit opinion processing plant, aka The View after they learn that there has been no collusion found. The great awakening is real.

Q. Feb. 14 2019 12:12 am EST Collusion Between Obama, Clinton, FBI, The Patriot Hour, (video): (Video) The Patriot Hour -- Solid Proof Found of Attempted Collusion Between Obama, Clinton, and the FBI

R. International Child Sex Trafficking Ring:

S. Feb. 14 2019 Colombia: Man jailed for sexual abuse of 276 children:

T. May 6 2015 Colombia investigate US military sex abuse allegations:

Colombia says it will investigate accusations that US contractors and military staff sexually abused minors for four years from 2003. An academic report said in February that at least 53 underage girls were abused in two towns in central Colombia.

US soldiers allegedly filmed the abuse and sold the tapes as pornography.

U. Resources:

National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888

Trump Twitter:

Donald J. Trump ‏verified account: @realDonaldTrump

Trump’s Email:

Q Posts:

GCR: The master plan for the global financial system began on Sat. Feb. 1, 2003 and came to fruition on Fri. Feb. 1 2019.


Martial Law Text:

Military Tribunals, complete transcripts:

C-VINE International News Network Facebook for Military Tribunals:

Trump To Impose Martial Law Part One:

Trump To Impose Martial Law Part Two:

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