
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Ending All Wars is part of GESARA Mandate....

The US is now compliant with GESARA and so is the UK.
The Cabal's attempts to delay Brexit are futile.

Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for February 27, 2019

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - February 27, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

The US is now compliant with GESARA and so is the UK.

The Cabal's attempts to delay Brexit are futile.

Iran and Venezuela are the two last remaining nations that are non-compliant with GESARA.

However, Iran is about to settle with the Earth Alliance to reach compliance.

Meanwhile, the crisis in Venezuela continues but will conclude shortly.

The UST is prepared to release the USTN once Zimbabwe announces their new currency being backed by gold/assets.

Trump stated during his summit with Kim Jong-un in Vietnam that North Korea has great economical potential.

Trump was directly referring to North Korea's untapped natural resources and its role in the future under GESARA compliance.

The friendliness being shown during the summit clearly shows that both leaders are aware of the bright future that lies ahead under GESARA compliance.

The Earth Alliance gave Kim Jong-un a chance to live in peace in return for North Korea's compliance.

This occurred when North Korea agreed to denuclearize.

Ending the Korean War is also being discussed at the summit in Vietnam.

Ending all wars is part of GESARA mandate and it will be done.

Once those doors closed during Trump's dinner with Kim, that's when reality starts.

We live in a world where fiction is what's public and reality is what goes on behind closed doors.

Just like the RV.

The RV was prepared behind closed doors and it will stay that way when it begins.

The RV will be a private event that will only be visible to those aware of it.

It is time for stolen wealth and power to be returned to the people to promote a better tomorrow.

Source: Operation Disclosure

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