
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Once control of the Federal Reserve Bank is handed over to the United States Treasury....................

Once control of the Federal Reserve Bank is handed over to the United States Treasury, the whole Cabal structure will come crashing down.
Trump has publicly stated that the government shutdown will continue indefinitely until border security is secured.
This brings the possibility of Martial Law and Military Tribunals much closer as time runs short.
Martial Law will only be declared if the Republic (US-Based Earth Alliance forces) fail to take control of the Fed...….
Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for January 5, 2019
1/05/2019 03:58:00 AM  Intel, RV Alert  

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

The current battle between the Alliance and the Cabal is between the Fed and the US Treasury.

The Fed is attempting to dry up all credit liquidity which would prevent American's from withdrawing funds from their own bank accounts.

A bill (H.R.24) to audit the Federal Reserve Bank has already been introduced to Congress.

Another bill (H.R.25) to abolish the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was also introduced at the same time.

It is evident that Earth Alliance forces within the U.S. Government are moving to restore the Republic (of the united States of America).

Once control of the Federal Reserve Bank is handed over to the United States Treasury, the whole Cabal structure will come crashing down.

Trump has publicly stated that the government shutdown will continue indefinitely until border security is secured.

This brings the possibility of Martial Law and Military Tribunals much closer as time runs short.

Martial Law will only be declared if the Republic (US-Based Earth Alliance forces) fail to take control of the Fed.

There is full confidence that the Republic will succeed to avoid unnecessary chaos and collateral damage.

The timing of the RV remains dependent on the progress toward ending the Fed.

Source: Operation Disclosure

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