
Friday, December 21, 2018


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Dec. 21, 2018
12/21/2018 01:34:00 AM Intel, News, Update
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Dec. 21, 2018
Compiled 21 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces.” Articles on a CIA/Vatican Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult:…/pages/…/590/stories.html
Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.
A Special Thank You to Martha for her untiring research efforts in discerning the Truth and to Ken who uncovers unlimited intel on pedophiles to help us Save the Children.
Judy Note: There has been considerable controversy about whether or not the old Cabal Tier 1 banks – Wells Fargo, America First, Citibank, Chase - were redeeming Zim and how safe they actually were to hold our monies. It has been indicated that the 800#s operator would refer all Zim holders to HSBC redemption centers and that after your redemption you could decide which banks to use.
With a temporary information blackout in force since Thurs. Dec. 13, this was where we think we are as of early morning Fri. Dec. 21:
A. The Bottom Line RV/GCR:
*Rumor was that we would receive the 800#s at any time before Christmas, likely Fri. night Dec. 21 going into Sat. morning Dec. 22. Currency exchanges asking for the higher back screen rates and Zim redemptions would need to be completed by Jan 7, the same date the general public could begin exchanging.
* Evidently China and Iraq have been exchanging for four weeks, US private bank exchanges have been going on since Mon. Dec. 3 (said to be in SKRs), the GCR/RV formally initiated in Hong Kong on Mon. Dec. 10, while as of Wed. Dec. 12 the new US Treasury Notes were live on bank screens, plus Paymasters, Tiers 1, 2, 3, Tier 4 Group A and certain Humanitarian Projects were said to be paid out (most in SKRs).
* On Sat. Dec. 15 the Elders authorized that asset-backed currencies could begin international trade at 2am EST Sun. Dec. 16. President Trump said that he wanted this to happen before Christmas, meaning that the 800#s should be released before unsealing of Mass Indictments and subsequent arrests, which appeared to be slated to begin in the days right after Christmas. Redemption Center Staff remained on High Alert and were said to be open for appointments 24/7 up to 1 pm EST Sun. Dec. 23 (President Trump recently signed an EO that federal employees would be off work Dec. 24, 25 and it could be assumed that this would include redemption/exchange staff).
B. The Plan:
The economy would be saved from a Stock Market crash through announcement of the global Gold/asset-backed standard – that was said to be planned to happen around the time of receiving the 800#s. On Dec. 18 Alan Greenspan told investors to get out of the Market. The Fed raised interest rates on Wed. Dec. 19, which appeared to initiate the expected crash in a banking system that has been fluctuating in red for over four weeks. On Thurs. Dec. 20 the Market plunged over 600 points with no recovery headed into the weekend.
C. Indictments Unsealed = Mass Arrests = Martial Law = US Space Command = Military Tribunals:
*On Fri. Dec. 7 with President Trump aboard Air Force One, the presidential plane changed its Air Traffic Call Sign to “Q 0” - said to indicate that this Fri. Dec. 7 was Day One of a countdown to Martial Law, which appeared to be declared the weekend of Dec. 15-16 when a “QAnon” message was sent from top US generals to the American people warning them of what was soon to occur (mass arrests). This explained why Trump was about to order the immediate creation of the US Space Command.
*Following the expected GCR/RV there would be a transition period of several weeks where unsealing of over 66,568 indictments would instigate mass arrests.
*Most of those indictments were said to contain charges of child pornography and exploitation, led by Bill, Hillary and their Clinton Foundation commitment of "crimes against children" according to page 294 of Michael Horowitz's Office of The Inspector General Report.
*On Dec. 21 Congress was scheduled to go on vacation. Because of pending arrests on at least 1/3 if not more, of Congress, few were expected to come back on Jan. 3 (nine days of chaos?). Q said that the FISA declassification would “bring down the House” and a Dec. 11 Intel Report stated: “U.S. government officials listed in the sealed indictments have been given notice of imminent criminal prosecution and a lifetime at GITMO.” The Clintons, Biden and George Bush Jr. were videotaped being given envelops at Cabal Leader George HW Bush’s funeral – that were believed to contain their indictments.
*On Jan. 2 2019 Federal courts across the nation would begin trials for those charged and arrested as a result of the 66,568 indictments, plus Military Tribunals would start for those sent to GITMO.
D. Restored Republic = GESARA Law = New Fair Elections and Tax System
*By year’s end Central Banks would be reorganized, the Federal Reserve and IRS would be eliminated and announcements would be made on the US Restored Republic, GESARA Law and a new Flat Tax System - said to be 17% on newly bought items only, with no tax on medicine or food.
*The Cabal was on notice to settle all remaining outstanding GESARA compliance issues (meaning no more wars between countries) before the new fiscal year began on Jan. 1 2019. Those countries and Central Banks not complying with GESARA Law would not be able to participate in the Global Currency reset and international trade.
*The new US elections would be completed sometime in April-May 2019.
*Last week on the international scene, Cardinal George Pell was found guilty of sexually abusing children and fired by Pope Francis because he was “elderly.” Pell was in charge of financial matters at the Vatican and a secret controller of most world government leaders. Also, a new head of the Committee of 300, the secret government of the 13 ruling bloodline families who were now backing the new Quantum Financial System, was set to take power next year, meaning Queen Elizabeth would be handing committee reins to a younger person (hint: not Charles and not William).
Sealed Indictments as of Oct. 30 (66,568):…/Sealed-Indictments
E. Dec. 20 2018 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#
1. Yesterday Dec. 19 the withdrawal of troops out of Syria was an indicator of the rollout to go for us.
2. Between 3-4 am EST this morning Dec. 20 Iraq did what they needed to do.
3. The new rates for the currencies should be updated and set by this afternoon Dec. 20.
4. Core groups and Tier 4 Group A have either been paid, or were being paid today Dec. 20. They would see liquidity when we get the 800#s.
5. The announcement we were looking for could have been made today Dec. 20 behind closed doors.
6. A year ago QAnon brought out that Winter Solstice (Dec. 21 at 5:23 pm EST) we would go from darkness into light. The Chinese and Iraqis believe in this type of timing. President Trump wanted this to go before Christmas Dec. 25. Bruce believed that this was intended to go before Sat. Dec. 22 and the Internet Group was sure to go in before Christmas Dec. 25.
7. Redemption centers would be open until 1:00 pm EST Christmas Eve Dec. 24.
8. Zim could be redeemed until Jan. 7.
9. Public exchanges would start Jan. 7. Every time we were pushed back, the public was pushed back.
10.The Zim was a gold-backed Bond and had great value. No zeros were coming off.
11. The front screen rate would not require a NDA.
12. 90% of Redemption Centers would be open 24/7.
13. The Dong has been going up in value. Today Dec. 20 it was just over $5. The Dinar was just over $4.
14. You could leave your exchange with $14,200 in cash.
F. Dec. 20 2018 A Few Points on the Global Currency Reset, Martha:
1. This was written to correct errors in calculations of the Zim, plus assure information related to NESARA was correct.
2. Countries would be gold/asset backed and as such their three digit country code had to change. I’ve discussed this several times in regards to the UN Operational sheet.
3. The USD was now the USN, backed by gold, silver and other hard assets. The IQD now became IQN and the VND was now VNN. The last n stood for note, for the dollar was none existent.
4. The Zim now becomes ZWN and has to be at a one-to-one, as all countries would be.
5. Based on assets some countries base would be higher. It has nothing to do with old rates, or calculations.
6. Based on a Zim rate right now of 0.145 ZWD, these were the current values:
USN 1.00
INN 0.01
CYN 0.14
CAN 0.74
EUN 1.13
GBN 1.26
KWN 3.29
ZWN 6.88 (which I now understand was over $7.00)
7. Thus, Zimbabwe was 1:1 based on their assets.
8. The 2008 Zim series were Bonds, thus no zeroes were to be removed.
9. At a 1:1 with the US dollar, a 100T note was 100T. Take that times $6.88 and you get $600T plus.
10. The Dinar was over $5.24 in-country and could support $16.00 per 1.00 note, plus there was a contract rate (said to be $28.50). There were no restrictions.
11. The VNN also had rates as high as $22.00. They were an oil producing country, plus they had more gold mined right now than Zimbabwe.
12. Bruce mentioned a possible cap on the amount for Zim, but you could still ask for what you wanted.
13. On NESARA: The purpose was to return the enormous amounts of stolen funds to the people. Yes to the $100,000 per person over 21 for 12 years. Farmers get paid first.
14. The St. Germain Trust, Collateral Account Trusts and the Jubilee, or so-called Illuminati money, would be returned.
15. Social Security would go to a minimum of $2,500 per month. All those with homes foreclosed on would receive $300,000.
16. The IRS, Fed, BIS, IMF, World Bank would go bye, bye.
17. There would be no personal income tax, but a flat tax of 17% (not 14%).
18. The list was never ending. The name of this was prosperity, not restricting. I can’t even say the names of all the umpteenth numbers of money. I am including a post called NESARA 2018 which Patrick has posted before. Although lengthy, it would be worth it to read. Don’t buy into what others were saying. NESARA and GESARA were alive and ready for implementation.…/restored-republ…

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