
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 25, 2018

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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 25, 2018
The first half of Dec. would be a transition phase that would last 1-2 weeks (when all countries would undergo massive changes and reforms). The unsealing of indictments would also begin during this time...

Compiled 25 Nov. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” Byington’s Before It’s News articles on a Satanic Cabal CIA & Vatican-sponsored international Pedophile Child Trafficking Ring:

The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.

A. The Plan - What we think we know as of early morning Sun. Nov. 25:

1. 800#s Release: Multiple sources were still claiming that the 800#s would be released at some point this weekend.

2. RV: Zimbabwe has RV’d and became asset-backed. China RV’d, became asset-backed and began exchanging on Tues. Nov. 13. Iraq RV’d and became asset-backed on Tues. Nov. 20. Trump has a written agreement with China that the US would RV right after China went asset-backed.

3. By Nov. 22 the US Alliance's White Hat faction had the government on lock down.

4. Rumor has it that Julian Assange was now in USA and would be questioned on Tues. Nov. 27.

5. On Dec. 1 implementation of the Global Currency Reset would happen according to David Steele.

6. Stock Market: The stock market was expected to crash around Friday Nov. 30 - officially beginning the transition phase to replace the old fiat financial system with the new Quantum Financial System. The RV was planned to begin during a deliberate Stock Market implosion and the market had been down for the last two weeks. By Wed. Nov. 21 all three major indexes had given up their gains for the year of 2018.

7. Mass Arrests, Indictments: On Dec. 5 Attorney General Huber, (who has been over 79 investigators looking into questionable political activities since Trump took office), was set to go before Congress to testify about his findings on Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. James Comey and Loretta Lynch would also testify in Dec. Anons were saying that approximately TWO-THIRDS of the entire sitting Congress were included in the indictments. Q said it would begin on Dec. 5.

8. The first half of Dec. would be a transition phase that would last 1-2 weeks (when all countries would undergo massive changes and reforms). The unsealing of indictments would also begin during this time.

9. Around the end of Dec. would be the end of the transition phase and GESARA would be announced. GESARA Law would expose the bankrupt fiat financial system, thus forcing all Central Banks (including the privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS) to shut down.

10. Trump was set to disband the 9th District Court:

B. Nov. 22 2018 Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 22, 2018 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

1. The Alliance's White Hat faction in the U.S. has the government on lock down behind the scenes.

2. A demand has been given to the Deep State (U.S. side of the Cabal) to surrender all assets and relinquish control or face total elimination before a specific deadline. The Cabal retaliated by causing the California fire disaster by assets previously undetected.

The assets utilized by the Cabal to cause the fires were destroyed.

3. The RV was expected to begin on Black Friday Nov. 23 according to multiple sources (didn’t happen).

4. The stock market was expected to crash as early as next Friday Nov. 30 - officially beginning the transition phase to replace the old fiat financial system with the new Quantum Financial System.

5. The transition phase would last 1-2 weeks (the first half of Dec.) when all countries would undergo massive changes and reforms. The unsealing of indictments would also begin during this time.

6. GESARA would be announced by the end of the transition phase (around the end of Dec.)

C. Nov. 24 2018 10:43 pm EST Summary of Reset, Sierra: "Summary of the Whole Reset" by Sierra (NZ) - 11.24.18

1. The X22 Report's latest video gives a superb summary of the current status of the Alliance operation. The video has over 250,000 views so far - it is essential viewing for Q/Alliance followers:

2. Dave (at 26' 06" in the video): 'It's going to drop, and it's going to begin Dec. 5th. All the placeholders are in place. Q has told us this is much MUCH bigger than anyone thought. It goes WAY past just arresting people. It goes WAY past fixing the Federal Reserve economy - the Central Bank economy. It goes WAY past what everyone thinks. The ENTIRE system needs to be cleansed, it needs to be reset. THIS is what Q, Trump and the Patriots are talking about. This way nobody gets back into power and allows it to happen again...'

3. As Dave points out, it's General Flynn's birthday on Dec. 5. It would be sweet vengeance for the Clinton Foundation probe to begin that day.

4. Anons were saying that approximately TWO-THIRDS of the entire sitting Congress were included in the indictments. That is YUUUUUUGE!

5. Rumor has it that Julian Assange was now in USA and will be questioned on Tues. Nov. 27. There were many references to Julian Assange (JA) in Q posts. Q has always said that Julian Assange equals the server - the Alliance has all the information they need to bring down the Deep State.

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