
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 11, 2018

There is a Breaking Point which we are rapidly approaching as the cabal's fears are leading the way,


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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 11, 2018
….19. It was expected that on Nov. 11 there would be announcements of NESARA/ GESARA, Global Currency Reset and the new Quantum Financial System.

20. That same Sun Nov. 11 was expected to show a marked increase in purging the Cabal by unsealing of the over 61,000 indictments, arrests of suspected Cabal criminals and their transportation to GITMO.

21. Back in Nov. 2017 Sessions fired corrupt Department of Justice and FBI officials and hired an Attorney General in Utah – Huber - to work with a Horowitz team of 470 lawyers to investigate HRC (Hillary Clinton) emails, U1 (Uranium 1), CF (Clinton Foundation) and FISA abuse....

Compiled 11 Nov. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” Byington’s Before It’s News articles on a Satanic Cabal CIA & Vatican-sponsored international Pedophile Child Trafficking Ring:

The below was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. Patience was a Virtue. Having Virtue was a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings had the power to overcome evil and change the world.

Judy Note - The Bottom Line: (Rumors - please do your own research).

Several sources claimed the US RV and release of 800#s could happen at any moment and certainly by this weekend. Iraq has already RV’d in-country. China has made a public announcement that they would RV their currency on Mon. Nov. 12 (our Sun. Nov. 11 evening). Sources pointed to Sun. Nov. 11 as a likely start date for the Global Currency Reset, with a back wall of Nov. 14. Those who have exchanged through SKRs have not yet been made liquid, except for some administrative humanitarian situations. Everyone would go together. Midterm Elections were turning into a mass confusion of fraudulent behavior by the Democrats, with some arrested. For some of the criminal elites their bodyguards were actually their very own personal prison guards. They had been in custody for months without knowing. Recent intel reported that operations were underway - a sign that the Alliance felt that they have cleared up the FBI, Department of Justice, Department of Defense and Supreme Court of the US of compromised individuals enough to proceed with THE PLAN. Around Nov. 12-14 we would likely see a Stock Market crash, along with the beginning of a purge of the Cabal (mass arrests, incarceration at GITMO). If chaos broke out due to civil unrest, paid protestors and/or a Stock Market crash, the National Broadcast Alert System would be activated, along with a short-term and limited Martial Law – needed for the Cabal mass arrests, incarcerations at GITMO, with Military Tribunals Jan, Feb. 2019. It would be wise to have food, emergency supplies and cash on hand for the expected few weeks of financial instability across the globe.

A. What we think we know (likely to change on a daily, even hourly basis):

Release of the 800#s would likely occur around the NESARA/ GESARA announcement expected on Nov. 11. Release of the 800#s would be through text, email, or posted on:

DC: intel
The Big Call, Bruce:

1. Hong Kong released GCR funds on Oct. 31.

2. We expected the 800#s at any time and everyone would go at the same time.

3. Some claimed to have already exchanged, likely in SKRs, with limited funds made liquid.

4. Banks had the release codes and firm currency rates were on hold on bank screens.

5. Banks went on alert for the RV on Nov. 8.

6. It has been said that President Trump would be out of the country at the time of the RV. On Nov. 9 Trump jetted to Paris:

7. The Stock Market slid downward all week and closed on Fri. Nov. 9 in the red. Significant moves were being made to destroy the integrity of the Stock Market, thus initiating the transition to the Quantum Financial System via the private currency redemption event (RV). The slow-motion collapse that began in Oct. would continue to claim corporate victims as the new QFS went online. Look for a Stock Market Black Mon. Nov. 12, Black Tues. Nov. 13, or Black Wed. Nov. 14.

8. As of Nov. 10 some midterm election votes were being recounted, while nine in Texas were arrested for election fraud. The best example of Democratic Party fraudulent activities was found in Broward County Florida where on election night they reported 634,000 votes, but yesterday Nov. 9 changed that number to 717,000 as they fraudulently manufactured 83,000 Democrat votes that were documented being rushed in by rented trucks—and was so blatant that a US Federal Judge was forced to declare that what they were doing was unconstitutional. Trump has continually tweeted out that certain signatures did not match, there appeared to be election fraud in several states and something was terribly wrong with our electoral process.

9. Rumor was that long ago the US Elections had been rigged by Soros and company in cooperation with the Obama/Clinton Administration. The release of such information would likely lead to Midterm Election results being nullified - which was bound to cause public anger and disruption.

10. On Nov. 10 troops practicing on how to breach certain facilities and bunkers were deployed to the field. These operatives were not making as many arrests as one would think but were mainly gathering vast quantities of last-minute evidence before they brought cases before secret grand juries to be accepted into evidence. They were preparing for highly secret and coordinated military and civilian trials.

11. This has resulted in waves of lower level affiliates coming forward to the Alliance, turning states evidence and getting immunity in exchange for their testimony.

12. For some of the criminal elites their bodyguards were actually their very own personal prison guards. They had been in custody for months without knowing.

13. The recent intel that operations were underway was a sign that the Alliance felt that they have cleared up the FBI, Department of Justice, Department of Defense and Supreme Court of the US of compromised individuals enough to proceed with THE PLAN.

14. More chaos was expected with the increasing of Cabal arrests on over 61,000 federal indictments and suspected criminals’ transportation to GITMO, with Military Tribunals set for Jan-Feb 2019.

15. If chaos broke out due to civil unrest, paid protestors and/or a Stock Market crash, the National Broadcast Alert System would be activated, which could lead to short-term and limited Martial Law – something that was needed for the mass arrests, incarcerations at GITMO and upcoming Military Tribunals in Jan-Feb 2019.

16. The 1999 NESARA/GESARA Act came about from a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court after 30 years of lawsuits by the Farmers Union. The US government and banking system were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens. NESARA/ GESARA was signed into law (under duress) by Bill Clinton, although he, the Bushes and Obama kept the ruling from being enforced.

17. Announcement of the NESARA/ GESARA Law was expected at any time to restore Constitutional Law while calling for new national elections within 120 days. See History: New Republic via GCR -- 235 Points of Fact as of June 3, 2016

18. On Sun. Nov. 11 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Teresa May, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel and U.S. President Donald Trump would join more than 70 other world leaders for a Peace Forum to discuss international security and other matters.

19. It was expected that on Nov. 11 there would be announcements of NESARA/ GESARA, Global Currency Reset and the new Quantum Financial System.

20. That same Sun Nov. 11 was expected to show a marked increase in purging the Cabal by unsealing of the over 61,000 indictments, arrests of suspected Cabal criminals and their transportation to GITMO.

21. Back in Nov. 2017 Sessions fired corrupt Department of Justice and FBI officials and hired an Attorney General in Utah – Huber - to work with a Horowitz team of 470 lawyers to investigate HRC (Hillary Clinton) emails, U1 (Uranium 1), CF (Clinton Foundation) and FISA abuse.

22. On Nov. 11 the Alliance would be meeting in Washington D.C. for what was described as Mass Meditation.

23. Any or all of the above events could cause a Stock Market collapse by Mon. Nov. 12, Tues. Nov. 13, or Wed. Nov. 14.

24. On Nov. 12 Tier 5 (general public) would begin exchanges, though rumor was that all Tiers would go at same time.

25. China made a public announcement that they would revalue their Yaun on Nov. 12.

26. Nov. 14 was the back wall for GCR, QFS and NESARA/GESARA announcements, plus increase in purging of the Cabal.

27. A Military Parade scheduled for Nov. 22 was expected to reveal JFK Jr. (thought to have faked his death and was Q, while Trump was Q+). Some say JKF Jr. would be the pick to run for president of the Restored Republic as Trump had completed the job he was asked to do by the White Hats and planned to retire from politics to run his businesses: (Video) JFK Jr Grave Mistake

28. On Nov. 26 private transactions would be liquidated.

29. After the RV a Stock Market crash was likely. It would take a couple of weeks for the global monetary system to adjust to the new digital Quantum Financial System. In other words, expect financial chaos around the globe starting Mon. Nov. 12 and likely until the end of Nov. As no one really knows what would happen, it would be wise to have food, emergency supplies and cash on hand.

30. Military Tribunals on the over 61,000 federal indictments against Cabal global elites were scheduled for Jan-Feb. 2019.

B. Nov. 10 2018 11:51 am EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 10, 2018 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

1. Sources have been told to maintain radio silence on all channels, which was only maintained when significant moves were being made.

2. Sources were suggesting that significant moves were being made to destroy the integrity of the Stock Market, thus initiating the transition to the QFS via the private currency redemption event (RV).

3. Expect heated events to start occurring at anytime.

C. Nov. 10 2018 8:42 pm EST Posting on Tilton Facebook Page: "Philip Tilton FB Letter Post Regarding Zim" by PNW - 11.10.18

1. On Nov. 10 Philip Tilton posted on his Facebook page a letter from JFA Holding and Investments to Zurich Currency Investors in Zimbabwe currency.

2. “Today the process of exchange and settlement of dollars in foreign currency (zimbabwes) is something real and tangible.”

3. “Next week we will send you the airfare and hotel, to suit the place of the world that you decide in order to receive the funds corresponding to their liquidation, already pre-established.”

D. Nov. 10 2018 9:06 pm EST Trump Topples Democratic Party, Faal: Sorcha Faal: Trump Topples Top Democrat Party Leader

The entire world now sees the entire US election system being brought into question as fraudulent and suspicious activity is reported nationwide, and ALWAYS to the Democrats benefit. The best example was found in Broward County Florida where on election night they reported 634,000 votes, but yesterday Nov. 9 changed that number to 717,000 as they fraudulently manufactured 83,000 Democrat votes that were documented being rushed in by rented trucks—and was so blatant that a US Federal Judge was forced to declare that what they were doing was unconstitutional.

E. Nov. 9 2018 8:36 pm EST Trial of the Century, Von Reitz: Anna Von Reitz -- The Trial of the Century: Your Opinions, Please?

1. There are two "forms" of constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America". The first, completed in 1789, is a tri-lateral international treaty and trust indenture supporting the execution of a commercial services contract. The second document, published in 1868, which is almost verbatim the same - so as to promote deliberate confusion with the original, is used as Articles of Incorporation for a Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated".

2. The Articles of Incorporation of the Scottish Commercial Corporation created the British Territorial United States doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated."

3. The created confusion led to the Scottish corporation accessing our credit and other assets and allowed them to run up debt against our assets as a result.

4. The Scottish Commercial Corporation declared bankruptcy in 1907 and skated off with a large portion of its ill-gotten loot transferred to (mostly Belgian, French, and Swiss) shell companies prior to the bankruptcy. In this way, it shed its debts, sheltered its gains, and left us holding the bag to pay off their creditors.

5. This was the responsibility of the British Monarch and the Government of Westminster, both of which have had and have exercised and enjoyed treaties of peace and positions of delegated authority dependent on their trust obligations owed to The United States of America and the States of the Union Federation and the American People since the 1780's.

6. The Schemers and their international collaborators, the banks, "took title" to the land holdings of the American States and People as "security" for the debts of the bankrupt Scottish Corporation in 1907. We, our grandparents, and parents worked hard and paid off this bogus debt in 1953, when the bankruptcy of the Scottish usurpers was settled. Instead of returning the title to our land to us, the British Territorial United States Congress voted to roll our land titles into Federal State Trusts under their control and operated for their benefit.

7. Conveniently, the actual unincorporated Government, The United States of America, and the American States and People, were told none of this.

8. In 1925, the Roman Catholic Church and the Office of the Roman Pontiff got into the act and did their own dirty little "business" on our shores. They set up a Delaware Corporation doing business as the "United States of America" Inc. This is essentially the same con game the Scottish corporation played. The only difference is the definite article "the".

9. This "religious non-profit" ran up bills against our remaining assets (remember our land had already been seized upon as security for the debts of the Scottish corporation) --- our bodies, our life force energy, our private businesses and homes, our copyrights and patents, our labor, everything that you might consider to be your own property. They played hard and fast and bankrupted "the" United States of America, Inc. in 1933. And they followed the same play script, of leaving us to pay their bills.

10. All of this criminality has been supported by politicians and by the banks, and unfortunately, by some military commanders working for the "United States".

11. Donald J. Trump has been left holding the bag, without any of the actual facts of the situation being made available to him. Of course, the criminals responsible have been unwilling to step forward and admit the depths of the depravity to which they have sunk

12. In 2014 we finished giving Due Notice and Due Process and issued our Final Judgment and Civil Orders related to these subjects. In 2015, we re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent and published them worldwide. In 2015, Barack Hussein Obama bankrupted the Municipal United States Corporations and thereby vacated the Municipal United States Government. In 2017, via a domino effect, the Territorial United States Government was also bankrupted and vacated.

13. These organizations had maintained a claim of "successor-ship" by a process of assumption of contract inherited from the Roman Catholic and Scottish usurpers -- a process of pirates making claims based on the claims of other pirates going back to 1868. By vacating the last two remaining federal contracts and doing so at the same time, we have been able to end any further "assumption" of contract and to acknowledge and accept back our formerly delegated powers.

14. The United States of America {Unincorporated] now stands as it has since September 9, 1776, as the Federation of Sovereign States representing the American States and People in international jurisdiction, and is the only actual Government still standing.

15. Any further exercise of our once-delegated powers by any commercial corporation on Earth without our written and express consent is unlawful, unacceptable and denied. Any claim that our persons are now or have ever been subject to the Queen in any relationship apart from those established by the original Constitution of the United States of America is null and void. This has happened by Operation of Law and is the result of the incapacity of the delegates in bankruptcy and also as a result of the corrupt and criminal basis of the former claims to "represent" us and to own us as property in violation of international law, the Geneva Conventions, common decency, and Good Faith.

16. Most recently, there has been an attempt by hackers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and certain offices of the Department of Defense (DOD) to gin up a "new" computer system based on re-hashing old Binary System Data Processing ideas, calling it the "Quantum Financial System" and seizing upon all the off-ledger Special Deposit Accounts in the world banking system. They then propose to roll all these assets which in fact belong to other people and which are supposed to be under the control of other Trustees into what they are calling the "Manna World Holding Trust" --- which is just another pirate operation based on seizing other people's assets and calling them yours or, to be more exact, claiming that they are or should be under your control.

17. About half of all the assets seized in this latest round of criminality belong to Americans. We have located the rightful owners of about 30% of the remainder. We have also tracked down the actual paperwork and the receipts demonstrating actual ownerships and trusteeships.

18. As a result of the above:

American public courts have acted as private bill collectors for foreign interests.

The British Monarchs have promoted Commercial Feudalism and sought to indebt others.

The American People were taken in by false advertising of "Home Loans" when the perpetrators were actually proposing that you loan your homes to them for their investment and profit.

Governments, Institutions and Commercial Corporations including banks and the Roman Catholic Church have acted in Breach of Trust owed to the American People, Canadians, Australians, Japanese, Germans, and other populations that have been subjected and abused by this same brand of legal chicanery.

They have seized upon private trust assets and converted them into "holdings" of the "Manna World Holding Trust" as a means of paying for public debts, which was not a viable, honorable or lawful means to deal with the situation.

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