
Sunday, April 22, 2018


The Golden Grace of Ishvara, Our Almighty Merciful Father*Our Almighty Loving Mother is Ours to Share in.
As We focus on It & Call down It's Power Wenrich Every Aspect of Our Lives, Uplifting Many withenergies.
Any unsolved situations or problems may be Saturated withis Golden Grace of Ishvara Until Resolved.
As you bring in the Grace where needed you will feel It working thru the past, present into the future.
It is Infinite in It'scope & Power & brings Healing & Happiness as We Spend timenveloped in It's Life.
The Qualities of Ishvara's Golden Grace are many & can be Activated Easily by Calling on them;
Peace, Joy, Happiness, Harmony, Radiant Health, Energy, Abundance, Wisdom, Perfection....
Any Quality We Wish to Amplify is Ours to Enjoy & Growith as is Our New Potentials.
After meditating or at bedtime or Anytime we can call on the Golden Grace.
It's much more then a prayer, it's an Invoking of the Almighty's Presence.
A Most Gracious Love is Activated as we Tune into the Golden Grace.
Miracles Happen if We Ask for Them to Happen, thru this Grace.
Our Divine Parents wanto Share All with Us & Do as we Ask.
Surround Your Life with Grace & Be Blessed Accordingly,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack Above****

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