
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The most important event of the year, plus a short video on human evolution...

 Enjoy the Festivities as We Celebrate International Women's Day March 8th as the Proceedings Begin,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack Above****

-------- Forwarded Message --------

On Saturday, February 17, 2018 7:46 AM, UNIFY <> wrote:
Dear friends of UNIFY,

Last week, we told you that a new age is coming, based on an evolution of humanity. A conscious evolution.

Today, we are sharing two ways to tip the balance toward conscious evolution -- by rising up together. Scroll down for details on these incredible events...

To conscious evolution,
-- The UNIFY team

A New Vision for Women of the World
(a message from the Global Sisterhood)...

The world will change when women are empowered. The world will heal when women heal.

We are stepping into a new world, built firmly upon the unshakable foundation of L-O-V-E and freedom.

Sound like a dream? Well, it’s happening. Not just in your dreams, but actually happening! So, let’s get excited about being a part of it...
Okay, this next part is for women... (Men, your bit is below.)

To meet your ever-present calling to RISE, a movement called the Global Sisterhood has risen to meet you where you are, in all of your unique and glorious capacity, to light up the darkness with the fire inside your heart.

The Global Sisterhood is launching a powerful campaign on International Women’s Day 2018 (March 8), to bring women together in the most uplifting way –- to rise as a collective so we can be an unstoppable force of love and transform our world.
You can join a Circle, start your own Circle, or tune into the synchronized global meditation (with a very special guest!). All the details are at the link below...

This bit’s for the men...

We women adore you. Thank you for supporting and uplifting us so balance can be restored and we can ALL bask in that beauty. You are so very welcome to join the Global Sisterhood’s Facebook event and invite the women you know.
We encourage you to read and share with your friends, daughters, and sisters.

The Tip of the Tipping Point
A Free Video About Your Potential to Change the World...
Did you know that Barbara Marx Hubbard has been talking about the coming evolution of our species since the 1950's?

She's probably the single most outspoken elder of the movement toward conscious evolution.

And she has a new 5-minute video that's important for everyone to see. In it she explains why each and every person is important at this moment in time and how any one of us might be the one who tips the tipping point of evolution into motion.

She also has a special message for millennials and gen-x.

Take a few minutes to watch Barbara's short video message and, if you're inspired, check out the new documentary about her life, called American Visionary (details will be inside).

At UNIFY we share virtual and in-person transformational experiences that support your most passionate, peaceful, purposeful, and amazing life. 
We also organize global synchronized meditations and days of social action. We now have more than 10,000 organizers that bring their communities together for campaigns we launch on Peace Day, Earth Day, Water Day, and more.  

Thank you for doing your part every day!

Sent to: devaflight


Unify, PO Box 4449, Santa Rosa, CA 95402, United States

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