
Sunday, December 24, 2017

New Presidential Coin + EXECUTIVE ORDER         

As well as the New Coin President Trump has just Issued an Executive Order against Worldwide Human Rights Abuse.

Some areven expecting him to issue the New US Treasury NoteShortly to replace the federal reserve fiat money,


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All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack Above****
From: Ann
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2017 4:49 PM
To: GalacticJack
Subject: New Presidential Coin

Trump's New Presidential Coin is a Declaration of War on the NWO

No e pluribus unum, no 13 arrows on Trump's Presidential Coin


Chicago Tribune Reports: For two decades, the commander in chief has doled out distinguished-looking coins as personal mementos. Now, the presidential "challenge coin" has undergone a Trumpian transformation. The presidential seal has been replaced by an eagle bearing President Trump's signature. The eagle's head faces right, not left, as on the seal. The 13 arrows representing the original states have disappeared. And the national motto, "E pluribus unum" - a Latin phrase that means "Out of many, one" - is gone.

Looks like President Trump has officially confirmed his war against the Globalist New World Order, as President Trump's Presidential coin no longer has the NWO symbols of the Eagle holding 13 arrows or the phrase E Pluribus Unum...Which means new order of the world. Not only that but Trump has also decided to decorate this coin in about 80 percent gold, which should give you a hint of something Trump is also after that basically controls the NWO.

​ This is a very epic move by Trump, because this coin showcases that Trump is truly after the Cabal...By simply taking their symbols off of the Presidential coin. This truly does confirm Trump is after who really runs the show, and his latest Executive Order against corruption in America and Human Rights violators is further proof of that. Another thing Trump did is turn the Eagle head from Left to Right.

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