
Wednesday, November 1, 2017


We can ask for whatever we want, Your Deepest Heart’s Desire or just ask the Divine for Everything.
Mother Meera explains how to ask & receive from the Supreme Over Soul in Q & A’s linked below.
We can meditate with her online Live when she’s not on tour or past meditations archived 24/7.
There are also a list of local area groups thru outhe world that have group meditations.
At 11AM PCT on Friday 11-3-17 Mother Meera will have a live online Meditation.
  & other links.
As you investigate this info more becomes available to you & All of Us.
Many Many Many Blessings & Treats are in store for the Taking,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack Above****
“Make it a habit to ask the divine for everything.”

-Mother Meera

Q: What is the importance of asking the Divine for something?
MM: If you want anything – love, truth, or courage, for example – you must ask for it. If you ask God for anything humbly and lovingly, you will receive it. But you must ask with your whole heart, so that your heart can be empty and God can fill it. If there is any pride in it, he cannot fill it as much. God wants to give you everything; you must learn how to let him. For this you need surrender. The reward of surrender is bliss and knowledge.
Q: What should I ask you for?
MM: Ask for everything – like a child asks its mother for everything, without shame. Do not stop at peace of mind or purity of heart or surrender. Demand everything. Don’t be satisfied with anything less than everything. If you ask, you will receive. If you receive, you will have to bear...
Check page index for more info..........More Q & A @
Q: What is the importance of the Paramatman Light?
MM: I called down the Paramatman Light. The Paramatman Light is in everything. The work of transformation will be done much more quickly, providing people are open. Even if they are not open now, the pressure and power of the Light are so great that they will become open.
Q: What does it mean to bring down the Paramatman Light? Isn’t Paramatman already everywhere?
MM: The Paramatman Light is everywhere, but when one needs it one must know when, where, how and for what to use it. The Light was always there; I prayed to Paramatman, the Supreme Being, to be able to use it. The Light has never been USED before. Like electricity, it is everywhere, but one must know how to activate it. I have come for that...

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