
Saturday, October 14, 2017


It’s been 4 weeksince the information abouthe Antarians Healings washared by Sheldan in his Webinar.
I have asked for healings & tuned into their Love, Light, Color, Sound & Peaceach day & each night.
My experience is that of being released from many annoying things replaced by Peace & Calmness.
My meditation time has increased spontaneously & my level of Joy has likewise increased itself.
Theseffects are Cumulative & are happening Naturally for me as the Antari clear the past.
As the serenity grows all else fades in importance as we are prepared to Lighthe Way.
Anyone may ask for a healing each day & you can share the symbols & illustrations.
Nothingelse is needed except a desire to be healed & released from their suffering.
The results are turning outo be Amazing on a personalevel as all is being Healed;
9 Dimensions worth, even as the dark was healed and now the Light enhanced.
This whole Universe is being brought up to it’s Full Potential as are all of us.
By asking & attuning we are speeding up Ascension beyond past expectations.
I’ve made copies of the Antari Healing Universe as it draws in Light & more.
Funny how so muchas become so easy, as we ask & receiveach day & each night.

Share the healings as you’re inspired & enjoy each moment as you grow into yourSelf

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack Above****

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