
Thursday, September 7, 2017


Make This Your Calling Card, Let others pointheir fingers While You Blaze Your Heart Firing Equally like the
Good Warrior You Are. These Heartechiques Create the Way to Victory & more importantly Fulfillment,
Usem to send the storms *North*NE* as you see em thru your 3rd Eye & Call on All of the Light,
Heaven, The Masters, The G F, The Agarthans, Thelemental Nature Spirits & ALL The ANGELS.

However much time you can Devote to this especially for the next few days is Imperative.

Thru the day or as we go to sleep & lets all make It Our Intention Now, & It’s Done,

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
p.s. Only thru Our Hearts will we overcome this dark illusion. Your Inner Work is Whyou are here,
the rest is fluff, lets each + add the Real stuff that our Dreams & Visions are truly made of ...
p.p.s. This is not about messages, my messages are numbered, this is about Activating YOU. 

This is about CHRISTING YOU, This is about Living Our Divinity Now & Sharing it with Everyone until they... ALL JOIN IN. 1st it happens unconsciously & then it bubbles UP. Love continues to flow reaching & Returning Blendingaininglowingrowing Making Masters of Us All.

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Beloved Ones,
The coming week will bring much flux in terms of energy flow, with feelings of joy and happiness in the morning followed by moodiness, withdrawal or extreme sensitivity by evening. Try to anticipate this before it occurs by watching for cycles of occurrence and taking note of this and be patient with yourselves and others, for the energies now coming in are re-aligning your energy fields in a way that will bring in more life force energy and this will be felt particularly in the lower chakra regions. Practicing deep breathing to bring balance is very beneficial at this time as well as the drinking of more water so that the energy can flow more harmoniously through you. If you feel the energy being `stuck' in one particular chakra, getting out in Nature and walking briskly will help to move this energy in a more balanced flow through all your chakras, revitalizing and empowering each chakra as it flows through you. Intending this to happen will make it so.
This is a testing time for all and will continue to be so in the months ahead. Your bodies are being transformed at an incredible rate, if you could but see it, but as it stands now, you only feel the various discomforts that occur within you such as great heat waves that come suddenly so that you feel that you will combust if you do not cool yourself down in some manner. Most of you are steadily feeling the energy flowing through your feet and have noticed this flow is getting stronger each day. Remember to state your intention to serve as a transducer of the powerful energies that are coming in and that they are grounded into the core of Mother Earth. As you do this, you will begin to feel the pulsation of the Earth and become more attuned to what is happening within her. Many of you have been feeling this for some time now and have sent your energies to the core with the intent that it be used by Mother Earth wherever she's needing it the most and in this way have averted many drastic Earth changes.
You are becoming more and more the co-creators of the World you live in and as you practice your disciplines, begin to voice your intentions firmly, authoritatively, to bring into manifestation that which you want, be it personal or in world service. Practice being the Master of your life, and destiny, begin to see and feel yourselves as the powerful Beings you truly are and sense yourselves as being `larger than life'. Practice makes perfect and you will soon get the idea and begin to incorporate it into every facet of your life until you ARE the Master.
Do not forget that the most important element of this Mastery is the embodiment of your Great I AM Presence and walking again as a Christed One upon the Earth. This requires purity within one's body, mind and motives and the focus must be within your heart. Picture a golden sun radiating its bright energy from your heart to everyone and everything around you. Beam a pink ray of Divine Love to the heart area whenever you meet with another person, for this is practice for living the Universal Laws which govern the Galaxy and is the standard greeting elsewhere in the Universe. This practice alone can create peace and harmony very quickly within all relationships upon the Earth. Simply beam Love to the heart of the other when you first see them. If you can train yourselves to do this automatically, you will have done a great service to all.
So we ask that you continue to keep on keeping on, Beloved Ones and practice, practice, practice. You have everything you need within you and you are now beginning to discover this. Do call upon us to join you and ask for assistance each day.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
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