
Wednesday, July 12, 2017


 Since I mentioned The Unknowable. Here's are some Insights into It.
We live in the physical, one of 7 planes in Relativity & the Absolute.
It's 25% Relative & 75% Absolute, eachaving 7 planes & subplanes.
Beyond the Absolute is the Absolute Absolute of Only Perfection.
Thereverything is created instantly perfect & lasts forever new.
Now Beyond that is the Unknowable, Vast & Incomprehensible.
Each of the Creations in the relative is made up of some 7 or 8 Universes,
Spoken of as grains of sands in a Cathedral as compared to the Absolute.
Over each 100,000 Creations resides a Lord Krishna, the Father of Fathers
One Cosmic day lasts 311 trillion&60billion yrs, we are about at 11:35a.m.
Think in terms of thousands, millions, billions & trillions of cosmic days
As we move up to Krishna's lifespan, the Highest Godhead we know about..
An Ishvara, AlmightyFatherMother God/dess is in charge of one Creation.
As Vast as thiseems to be, it is just drops in the Unknowable Ocean Beyond.
Yet we are connected to the Unknowable thru a Point of Light on our bodies.
And simply by thinking of the Unknowable we can activate our connection to It.
Once done, we Amp Up our intentions by adding this energy to anything we choose.
Unknowable Love or Light, Bliss, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Youth, Beauty, stamina, healing.
The more you include the Unknowable in your focusing the Richer the Results are becoming.
I Am the Unknowable, Unknowable me, Unknowable Soul Force, Unknowable Abundance.
I see.... as the Unknowable & think & feel as the Unknowable, I Am One withe Unknowable.
I've been working more intently withe Unknowable these last few days & am noticing a reality shift.
Now you can focus on the Unknowable by easily feeling your body & closing your eyes for a few minutes........
It is an expansive fun experience as younlock more much more of yourself into your life.
You may feel heat or light or sensation or just intutitively knowith eyes open or closed.
That point of light or sensation on your body is your activated connection withe Un
If you meditate you can focus on the Un point before or after & while you visualize
or anytime. I call on the Un to activate the Truth Announcements Unknowably.
Enjoy nature... or music & more as your Unknowable adds to Deeper Insights.
The purpose being to enliven this connection & effect changeso many changes.
Releasing situations Quickly, just by focusing on the Un as they ariseven just in the mind.
The Knowable & Unknowable Self is who we really are .....That I Am, That You Are.
This & Thatoo as the horizon expands into the distance beyond everlasting perfection without end is where we'reventually headed with a few stops along the way buthe Unkbowable is Now,
Unknowable HearTouch in the Glow of Our Ascension
p.s. There's lots more to say about Reality
but this is just a thumbnail sketch
to bring in the changes A.S.A.P.

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