
Tuesday, July 18, 2017


I use to use the Heart Spinning technique for this boss I had who loved to yell at people.
‘I want you in my office’ & I would spin my Heart chakra & enter and be told to ‘Get outtt.’
So Heart Swirling works under many circumstances & combining it withe 3rd Eye is oh so Healing.
All is Go so Lets make it so. Enough is far too much as we bring forth The Age of Sweet Fulfillment.
Our Hearts joined together as we Utilize The Odyssey & add variousymbols wenliven The Light of Change.
There’s a Tree for Everyone on Earth in the Odyssey & we can call on the unnumbered Angels to flood each
With UnconditionaLove Especially Thearth Allies & the cabal & their minions as we add Sai Baba Crucifix of
Christ Joshua moments of death & It’s Great Power to Heal & Transform as the Christ Energy has & is doing.
Wenvelopeach & All of them with Our Heart & 3rd Eye Swirling until a Huge Sphere of Loving Light is Complete.
Adding Unknowable Love & Healing Enlivens Our Efforts & Lifts All Concerned into a Transformativenergy Flowing.
We Call on the I AM PRESENCES of All Humanity & All Higher Selves to Usher in the New Age Quickly & Smoothly.
The Rainbow Heart Swirl combines Many Colors & their Energies as needed to Correct, Connect & Clear their Way.
Consciously Call on the Changes Continuing thru the day and Asleep Approacheset Your Intention to Enliven All.
There are several symbols in the Odyssey we can work with to Lighten the Physical, Astral & Mental Realms. 
We can flood the 4 lower dimensions Creating Vast Rainbow Connections bringing Spirit into All these Areas.
All of Our Efforts are Valuable & ever more Powerful as we close the gap into the 5th Dimension Reality.
The Odyssey & many symbols & techniques are posted @ the links below, use whatever works for You,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

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