
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, July 8, 2024


Here is info abouthe Odyssey not covered in the Audios, Gets More Interesting as you read on...
Firstly there are Circular Exercises you do before starting the complete Odyssey.
Starting withe hips you move them clockwise a dozen times then counterclockwise.
Next you extend your arms & spin them forward 12 or 24 reps & then backwards.
Lastlyou spin your head to the right 12/24 reps & then to the leftside & that’s it.
Then Circular Breathing, covering the left nostril breathing in thru the right nostril
then cover the right nostril & exhale thru left using thumb & 1st finger, do this 12 times.
Then reverse it covering the right nostril breathing in thru the left 12 reps or more 24/36
As needed until both sides are clear & the breathe flows easily & now to the Odyssey.
Incense, candle & soft music as you close your eyes & see a Spinning Nebular or Galaxy.
You move to the middle & descend into it & there you penetrate it & see what happens next.
If you’ve listened to the audios this maybe a unique start into the Odyssey, spend a minute or so.
Then you headown to the Foresthat Grove represents your sacral chakra, touch down & look around.
Each Symbol represents a chakra & eachakra effects one or more organs, glands, etc. influencing them.
When you see your key remember a key fits into a Lock & that’s what I’ve found as I did the Odyssey daily.
When exchanging energy with your Your Tree always draw down the Higher energy & then release the lower.
Athe Waterfall Saturate yourself, your chakras, Drink the water & then Share ithruouthe Odyssey & thearth...
Now on Top of the Waterfall, Over the Rainbow you can ask Questions like ‘Doeso in so love me.’
I remember the person I asked about sinking until I reached outo help them up.
Altho you might sink too, if it’s not meanto be but ask whatever you feel to.
Now there is a Tree in the Garden before you geto the Temple & it’s Fruitastes like Any Food you desire.
You can also go thru the T.O. with Another Person “you feel close to” & share their favorite foods as well...
After you connect with your Higher Selves Male & Female who may have a message, you can then ascend,
Sending Light & Love to thearth, solar system & galaxy & Then going Beyond until you’re done.
Doing the T.O. for some years it became more Involved & I invite All of the Light, Heaven, Angels,
Masters, Galactics, Agarthans, Elementals, Animals, Trees, Flowers, Crystals +++ each visit.
This Amps things Up & Helps the Ascension Process as they help Us & /or Do Their Thing.
Each Person’s Odyssey Opens for them Uniquely, so go withe Flow & Enjoy thenergy.
By listening to the Audios you are able to navigate the Odyssey & Transform.
I’d listen once a month until I had it down, if you have more time the T.O. is Vast,
Infinite possibilities & after you finish the procedure you can come back down & explore.
I kept a Journal for several 100 visits with gifts & tools & weapons I was given fromany.
Just before you finish the Full T.O. or from under the Waterfall Energize NESARA Being Announced.
You can also go under the Waterfall or Exchangenergies with your Tree anytime you wish.
Ideallyou go thru the Whole Odyssey each day between dawn & dusk {after meditating.}
Or whatever works best for you withis Gift left by those Beyond the Veil of Relativity,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack ****

P.S. I’ve found the Odyssey to be a Fun Adventure & Even after NESARA there iSO MucHere...
P.P.S. Also I’ve noticed thenergies have Increased as of late, So We Are Doin Itogether.

I’venjoyedoing the Odyssey over the years & I wanted to share some of the ways to Amp things Up.
You’ll 1st wanto listen to Franciexplain various aspeccts of doing the Odyssey in her Magical Way.
Once you link in then you can do the whole T.O. or just a few minutesay under the Waterfall.
The Links & more abouthe Transformational Forest Rainbow Odyssey is included below.
You can go thru the Whole Odyssey each day or just spend whatever time you have.
The audio is there to familiarize you withe landscape so you can do it on your own.
I burn incense & light a candle and play soft music to stimulate the Visualizations.
Remember visualizing is the same as imagining which means we all can easily do it.
You can add the Violet Flame to the Unconditionalove & Universal Energy flowing them forth....

The Violet Flame comes thru St. Germaine, AA Michael, Ishvara & even the Unknowable.
Any or All of these sources bring in it’s Power, use whichever works for you most easily.
There is a Tree connecting you to your Higher Self which you can water withese energies.
Actually there’s a Tree for every person on Earth which we can water withelp of the Angels.
In fact we can water all the symbols starting athe mountaintop down to the forest & then Earth.
Into it’s Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, Reservoirs as Rain & Vapor, drinking water for people, animals, plants.
Actuallyou can Flood the Air, Earth, Electrical Grid & Time & Space, thoughts & Feelings even Memories.
Wherever you feel thesenergies will help Improve life & Ease in the Vast Coming Changes more Comfortably.
This Crucifix carries Great Power including Healing & Protection as it’s wood is from the Original Cross
on which Christ was crucified at Golgotha, Calvary. It can be put on each tree in the Odyssey & watered. 
Some have made photo copies of this & put them under their pillow or on the wall. Touch ito Your Heart.
Sai Baba manifested this & the story can be found on google or in my past postings....
Skanda the son of Shiva & brother of Ganesh carries a Lance tipped with Mother Divinenergies.
You can touch ito any symbol or part of the Odyssey or Earth saying or thinking
SKANDA, SKANDA, SKANDA very purifying & clearing.

Skanda is considered the General & also the Treasurer & the Prototype for the New Human...

Bruno Groening healed 6,000+ people in one day which was verified by themany others left before being interviewed.
He calls ithe Healing Stream which comes from God, Bruno said he’s just being a small transformer for thenergies.

His neck would swell up quite large as he absorbed the negativity as the Healings took place.
He still heals thru the Circle oFriends, I connect withim in the Odyssey & Open to his Healing Stream.
You can send The Healing Stream down thru the Odyssey touching each Symbol & reaching anyone on Earth.

The Golden Grace of Ishvara, Our Almighty Father*Mother God*dess can be called on in any Quality we choose.
& added to the Odyssey as Peace, Prosperity, Joy, Fulfillment, Strength, Protection, Insight, Creativity...

 I mentioned the Unknowable which is beyond the Relative & the Absolute & Far Vaster then Both.
We’re connected to Ithru a Point of Light or heat on our body which we Activate thru Focusing on It.
It is a Great Amplifier, Unknowable Light, Love, Healing, Possibilitieso we combine or use what feels good.
All of these & others you invoke will bring about Greater Change Rapidly, even if we just spend
5 or 10 minutes a day or at night as we head to sleep this is especially refreshing & relaxing.
All of this effects Our Ascension & NESARA But we can send thesenergies to the U.S. Treasurer
to TV, Radio & Internet Newseeing NESARANNOUNCED & All it’s Benifits moving into Play.
Directly or indirectly we are smoothing the Way as NESARA islid outo be Viewed by All,
p.s. Please read on & familiarize yourself withe Odyssey as We make it a Memorable Victorious Week, Month, Year, Decade, Century & Millenium


This is like Being in Your Own TransformationaLight Chamber. You have an opportunity to walk thru the Celestial Forest each day for just a few minutes or as long as you like. Here is the connection to this Precious Gift given by a Race of Enlightened Beings leaving the Cosmos & placing it on the Inner Planes of Solar Systems as a means to help in Our Evolution. You can stand under the Waterfall of UnconditionaLove for a few minutes or exchangenergy with your Tree connecting you to your Higher Self. Or You can just walk around & enjoy the Splendor in a Forest, where blind people are able to See & the deaf can Hear. A variety of life improvements have been reported by the 1,000s of people who  learned The Transformational Odyssey... I use it myselfor years & It’s grown more potent. It makes yoU Independent & Self Reliant among many things as you attune to Higher Self thru the Odyssey, It’s Energy & It’symbols.
*******Listen to the audio at least once so you are Connected & Gethe Full Benefit****** each time you enter the Celestial Forest. (Be sure to Turn off phones etcause you do go deep into the subtle.)
It is Extreme Importanthat more people spend at least a few minutes in the T.O. each day to counter all the chaotic energies in the world athis timextremely Important We Become Powerful Centers of Light & Love & Stablity in Greater Attunement with Our Higher Self.
The Audio is available now, Francie was also a Healer as well as the Custodian of the Transformational Odyssey & she healed over 8,000 people & taughthe Odyssey to 27,000+ before her passing.
Please feel free to share this message with all who would like a pleasant haven to visit each day.
We can Smooth Outhe Roughness the world is going thru & Benefit Greatly Ourselves.
This is Freely Given & Francie’s Energies are Presento Guide yoU & take yoU each step of the Way.
I usually keep my messageshort buthis is Most Important & I’m been Inspired to Share Francie’s Gifto Humanity.
In any case have Fun, enjoy the Odyssey, the many benes & the relaxation it brings,
p.s. More Follows.... And Remember Listening to the Audio makes the Transforming Magic YOURS......
 AUDIO for
***The Transformational Odyssey ***
I am sharing the audio for The Transformational Odyssey & have ~Freely~ posted them online,
here are the links....
1st Link is called *7 Golden Keys*, It is the Beginning of the Transformational Odyssey....
Francie takes you thru the Odyssey in a most Beautiful Way.
In The 2nd Link you go Deeper into *The Transformation Odyssey* effecting changeach Visit.
You can then copy it &/or listen to at your convenience until you can venture thru the T.O. by m-e-m-o-r-y.
This is for Those who want something Very Special. It was Given to Us by an Enlightened Race of Beings.
There are many benefits as you go thru the Odyssey daily, I love it, started in ‘92 & continueach day.
It’s good after meditating or as a meditation, a tune up to Higher Self and a Chakra Enlivening.
Many benefits have been reported by those doing the Odyssey, physical, emotional & Spiritual.
I’ve been amazed how it enhances our abilities & how the benefits carryover thruouthe days. 

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

 **** Manifesting Our Dreams Thru The Odyssey **** Fun ~ Instantly Uplifting
Here's a condensed version of the Odyssey to speed things along..........
Please take your time to gethenergies flowing & allow yourself a chance to Go Deep 
Now if you're unfamiliar withe Transformational Odyssey, it's a Forest visualization
where you just imagine or see yourself walking in the woods.
My friend & teacher Francie who taught me, said it came from a Race of Enlightened Beings
who placed it on the inner planes of various solar systems as they passed thru this galaxy
to help evolving races. She was the custodian & traced it back to Sumeria.
She was also a healer, doctors would send her patients they couldn't help.
The blind can see & the deaf can hear in the Odyssey, it's a potent magical place.
You can burn incense, a candle & put on some music in the background, this helps activate changes.
So Here we go, you will read & remember.:.
1) See yourself under a Waterfall, it's flowing down from above a mountain.
This water is Unconditionalove, let it flow over you & into your chakras.
Do this for a~minute or 2  .......Right....Now............ENJOY
2) Look down and You'll see a Cup, you may pick it up, dip it in the waters, wash it
& take a drink or several & then put it in your pocket.
3) You'll see your 'Tree' in the forest, It represents your Evolving Self,
walk over to it & put your hands around it & exchangenergy with it
1st draw down your Higher Energies & then release your lower energies
yin/yanging the energies into your left hand and outhe right hand
for a few minutes. Try it now.....beforeading on, it'll help enrich your energies......
4) Now see yourself on the Mountain sending down waves of water flowing to the trees.
There are literally millions & even billions of trees thuout this Vast Forest.
A tree for every human evolving thru this planet, Our Mother Earth.
This enlivens every human subtly & powerfully each time you do this...............
5) Also as you look down you can see a bear by the stream & as you send water flowing
the bear drinks & jumps into the water playing.
Is it a male or female bear? Mine would talk to me after awhile..Hey Boo Boo....Hey Yogi
6) There is also a Huge White Crystal on top of the mountain.
You can yin/yang or penetrate it, absorbing the energy, take a minute, feeling this..........
It was a gift I'm sharing & as you do this you activate your 3rd eye, Heart & palm chakras.
Send thesenergies into the foresto the trees, streams, bears, cups & to Mother Earth.
Beautiful Waves of Rainbow Light & Mists of the Water of Love flowing about
as we accentuate & Uplift Everyone including our Mother Earth..............
You can come here anytime to refresh yourself under the waterfall
or recharge your energy thru your tree & always finish by sending water to your tree,
(& all the trees) plus your bear & by washing your Cup which represents your Heart.
You can do this after meditation, before or afteresting or whenever it's quiet,
Refresh & Balance yourself, Relaxing for a minute as you finish...... 
These are some aspects of the healing energies you can share & experience...
You can send this energy thru your Heart at any~time you feel to during the day.
The Odyssey amplifies thesenergies substantially & revitalizes.
Hope this is of value to you as you can do it as often as you like........
It is now Fully Activated,
     A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace 
p.s. There's also a grotto with a pool you can rest in beneathe waterfall
anytime you wanto even as you go to sleep but you might drown in Love.
Hey I warned ya, HaHaHaHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
If not, you don't know Jack :))~((:
The Seven Golden Keys of The Transformational Odyssey.
In The 2nd Link you go Deeper into The Transformation Odyssey effecting changeach visit.

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