
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Honoring Mothers

This Mother’s Day we celebrate all the mothers and nurturers that we share a special heart connection with.
We appreciate you and we wish you and yours a wonderful Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2017 4:22 PM
To: GalacticJack Furst
Subject: Honoring Mothers
Happy Mother's Day from Sheldan . . . The Undeniable Bond of the Heart Source: Heart Math Institute In honor of Mother’s Day and all who play an i
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Happy Mother's Day from Sheldan . . .

Screen Shot 2017-05-14 at 4.11.12 PM
Image created by Andrea Allred

The Undeniable Bond of the Heart

In honor of Mother’s Day and all who play an important role in nurturing others through all stages of life, we want to share some amazing truths about the heart bond shared between people.
New research is helping contribute to a deeper understanding about the language of the heart and how it can be utilized to enrich our valued connections.
The heart puts out a powerful, rhythmic signal that the brain responds to. In a way, we could say that the heart and brain ‘talk’ to one another, and together they set the rhythms for the entire nervous system and body.
The heart also sends signals about how we feel. As we experience emotions such as happiness, sadness, love and fear, that emotional information is encoded in signals from the heart and projected around us.
Emotions sometimes appear to affect our surroundings or immediate environment, much like in the saying, “You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.” That saying may have its roots in the stress signals our hearts project in tense situations.
This could explain how mothers often know when their children are up to some mischief, or why we can detect the emotional vibes of people around us, especially those we love or care about like family or friends.
When we are in a coherent state (heart centered) we’re often able to sense what someone else really wishes to communicate even when the other person may not be able to wrap the right words around what they’re feeling.
Because we’re attuned to the heart and listening to both the words and the energetics of the person, we can help draw them out so they feel understood and cared for.
Whether it’s the bond between a mother and her child, or the connection between life partners, siblings, best friends, or even between you and your pet, there is an undeniable link that is shared when the heart is involved.
This Mother’s Day we celebrate all the mothers and nurturers that we share a special heart connection with. We appreciate you and we wish you and yours a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Your friends at HeartMath

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