
Sunday, September 18, 2016

New Republic via a GCR: Update for September 18, 2016

NESARA & GESARA become activated withe GCR & Treasury Dollar, sonly Positive changes will resulthru September,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension


New Republic via a GCR: Update for September 18, 2016

New Republic via a GCR: 18 Sept. 2016 Update

Compiled on 18 September 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces,", CEO, Child Abuse Recovery

1. On Sept. 17 2016 Zap said,"We are in a designated window of time for the first transfers to complete. This is the final step. When we got here before a catastrophe would usually happen that affected the release of funds. This has already been surpassed as the funds are already released, not just "about to be released."

2. By
Sept. 17 2016 two of the biggest banks in Europe - Monte Dei Paschi of Italy and HSBC- had reported millions in losses, resorting in desperate measures to survive. This was not being advertised on the American main stream media.

3. On
Sept. 18 2016 Fisher on Real Truth Chatter claimed that the RV/GCR could have gone off during Bruce's The Big Call, and SHOULD have gone shortly after midnight Thurs. or on Friday morning. This, as a result of the World Court decision and the many agreements signed.

A. Fisher also stated that some banks asked for a short delay when they had to admit that they were not fully in compliance with Basel 3 and the legislative rules for liquidity. They were allowed a matter of hours, to come into compliance or they would suffer repercussions of their non-compliance come Monday morning.

B. He claimed the MSM went into news blitz mode in an effort to scare people away from having any business ties with Wells Fargo, which was enhanced and supported by the Congress talking about investigations.

C. Fisher stated that many government people had interests in the old cabal owned banks, which they tried hard to protect by continually delaying the roll-out. When the World Court over-ruled everything they and Obama were trying to help themselves and the bankers.

D. Fisher claimed that while the World Court made certain demands, the Chinese, who want to be supportive and diplomatic, allowed for a bit more time to prevent the banks customers to suffer any loss if their bank collapsed and went into receivership. It was to protect the people, not the bank.

E. Evidently if there were banks that couldn't meet the compliance orders and legislative rules, they would be done with starting Monday morning. There were no more days to be given or dealt with. It was MONDAY or ELSE.

F. The roll-out could happen any time between now and sometime Sunday evening, or possibly as late as early Monday morning.

G. During the wait, the military members and families who had not previously exchanged were being completed and hydrated.

H. Supposedly without the World Court and the Chinese/Russian involvement, Obama and other government officials could have continued the endless game of delay.

I. Any bank not in compliance would be taken down and or taken over

J. If the bank was taken down depositors will lose anything and everything under the banks control, and it will take years for the litigation to get anything back, if you even do.

K. There would be no bail-ins, at all.

L. All European banks except Deutch Bank had no problems, which is why Europe was allowed to do exchanges.

M. There was no public info on European exchanges. They had NDAs as well.

N. The UK was beholden to the US controlled cabal owned banks.

O. The roll-out had to be completed before the remimbi/Yuan went asset backed.

P. There would no longer be any fiat currency in use - not the Pound, Euro or US Dollar.

4. On
Sept. 18 2016 Philip Tilton
Gary Larrabee - Philip Tilton: Monday Looks like it could be a Breaking Point reported:

A. Intel people have been told to quiet down. The GCR powers have the ability to shut Dinarland calls down.

B. The banks are on their last leg. The two too big to fail banks are failing. They are setting up Deutch Bank up for failure.

C. The bank of Japan was turned off this week and then turned back on.

E. The World Bank was not accepting any more delays.

F. Things would happen by Monday
Sept. 19 2016.

G. Phillip had a friend call and said he had exchanged and was liquid with 15 million $.

H. Cuba was not accepting US Dollars.

I. We should have the 800 numbers before Monday.

J. Phillip had a friend in California who went to the bank and was told the Dinar was on screen for $2.79, but they weren't allowed to do exchanges yet.

5. Financial experts were predicting that the stock market decline would continue through at least
Sept. 30 2016.

6. The end of the fisical year for the US Corporation was
Sept. 30 2016.

7. The gold-asset backed currency of the new US Republic and other countries including the new global reserve Chinese Yaun, was set to begin on
Oct. 1 2016.

8. The
Oct. 1 2016 activation of the Chinese Yaun was expected to force countries around the world to withdraw from use of the US dollar by using special drawing rights to complete transactions, with a potential of causing massive inflation in the US.

New Republic via a GCR: Update for September 17, 2016

"RELEASE" - RV Intel Update - Yosef - 9.17.2016 (8)

"Monday or Else" - RTC Fisher Intel Update w/ Thoughts 9-17-16

"Seattle Branch of WF" - Sat. PM TNT Bank Story/Thoughts

Global Prosperity to be Unleashed by China's Belt and Road Initiative

"TNT RayRen98" - WSOMN AdminBill Intel 10:10 AM MDT 9-17-16

"Some Thoughts" - ZAP - The Office of POOFness - 9.17.16

New Republic via a GCR: Update for September 17, 2016

"3 Critical Situations" - Intel from S3A Beny 9-16-16

"Real Update" - Sat. PM TNT Bank Story/Thoughts

"When its Time to Go" - Sat. AM TNT Thoughts/Bank Stories

"Movement is Afoot" - WSOMN AdminBill Chat Highlight 9-17-16

Gary Larrabee - Philip Tilton: Monday Looks like it could be a Breaking Point

"Come back in a Few Weeks" - Bank Story from TNT Mfdwhd

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