
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Reclaim Your Sovereignty ~ QUAN YIN

Sheldan has an IntervieWednesday 8/24@ 5PM PCTime discussing a Variety of Topics, Be sure to share this.

Our Sovereignty Approaches
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension                                                             
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 4:26 PM
To: GalacticJack Furst
Subject: Reclaim Your Sovereignty ~ QUAN YIN
WEDNESDAY RADIO INTERVIEW WITH SHELDAN Mark Snider of Ohio Exopolitics will interview Sheldan on Wednesday, August 24 at 5pm Pacific time (8pm Easter
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Mark Snider of Ohio Exopolitics will interview Sheldan on Wednesday, August 24 at 5pm Pacific time (8pm Eastern time).
This show covers UFOs, ancient history, extra-terrestrial life and new technology. It is always a pleasure for Sheldan to share time with Mark. Join us.
Guest call in (917) 889-7099
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for August

Arcturians: Sacred Healing Masters

In this Webinar, you will learn the key role the Arcturians play in our understanding of time and its role in releasing the divine plan to this galaxy.


Integral to their sacred essence is the art of healing, as they enlighten us in the ways of harmony and the reciprocal joys of compassion.

Topics include...

• Arcturian Solar System And Description of Home Worlds
• Arcturians: Physical Description
• Arcturian Ships
• Arcturus’ Role in Creating an Expanded Galactic Federation
• Arcturians: Creators of the Galactic Federation's Revised Medical Team Program.
• Special Arcturian Update on Our Ascension Symptoms
• What the Arcturians Teach Us about Divine Comfort and Divine Nurturing
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future

Thursday, August 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

Quan Yin ~ Reclaim your Sovereignty

by Jenny Schiltz ~ Posted on August 19, 2016
We come to you today to talk about an important subject. It is the understanding of your true power and the changing of your perception. We understand that this process has been difficult and many of you have toiled on for years. What you must know deep within your being is that there is no longer anything holding you back from achieving the peace within yourself that you so desperately crave. It is you who must now change all that you have come to know and believe.
The awakening process is not an easy one as each of you have had to come to the realization that life was not what it seemed. It is as if you have come out of a fog to realize that all is not what you believed. You looked around at your world and mourned for the people, the animals, and the earth. You were shocked to discover that mankind has gone so far out of balance that money controls all. You were shocked to learn that your food, air and water have been tampered with by the very people that you believed would protect you. You have mourned and raged and even become fearful. You desperately have wanted change and often feel mislead because you are unable to see the change reflected in the outer world. It has left you feeling helpless and miserable. These emotions are part of the process, but ones that must be left behind now.
It is time for each of you to reclaim your sovereignty, your power, your creation. Each of you are able to hold more light than you ever have before. This is an important distinction because this light from source that illuminates your being is your power. Understand that this light from source is your soul. You are not separate from source, you never have been and it was only the illusion that led you to believe so. This illusion has served you well, your soul was able to participate in learning that cannot be achieved anywhere else in the mulitverse. Many of you have spent countless lifetimes on earth submerged in the veil of forgetfulness, exploring all the aspects of duality and all of what you are and what you are not. You have learned well from these experiences. That time has now come to an end, it is now time to come back home within yourself.
The work that you have done to clear out the negativity and veils has created space for your light, your soul, to reside ever more fully within you. It is important for you to realize the deep changes that have taken place within you. Now it is time to take full responsibility for the light you now hold. It is now in your reach to completely change the hologram that you have created. You can now shift all things around you by merely shining your light onto whatever is in your view. Instead of railing against what you feel you can not change, instead now see all things in their highest potential light and allow them to change in reaction. The things and people in your life that are unable to rise up to the highest possible light in which you hold them will move from your field until they are ready to do so. However, many will rise to the occasion and begin their own transformations. When you freely extend your light to all without judgement or expectation you provide space for miracles to occur. There are many stories of mystics and healers throughout your world that have performed miraculous healings. It is not that these beings healed another, it is that they saw each person as whole and healed and this alone allowed for the miracles to take place. Each of you have this ability. It is simply unconditional love in action. See all as the perfect example of themselves and see how much changes within them and in your reality as a whole.
Through this process you learned how important your thoughts are on your reality. It is not each individual thought that changes the frequency in which you create your reality, but the predominate emotions created by your thoughts. It is for this reason, that we have talked so much about the need to have joy in your life. The word joy to so many is an unobtainable concept. Yet, we ask you to look at your life and times in which you have laughed, relaxed, been in awe, or even felt simple contentment. This is joy. When you break it down into moments, you will find that you have indeed felt joy many times in your life and in those moments you experienced a shift within. This shift is you moving into a frequency that brings more joyous occasions to you like a magnet.
You are powerful beyond measure but it is you who must believe you are so. It is you who can shift all that is taking place in your life by simply focusing on what brings you joy. Each of your contributions are needed within the collective. Each of you that stands empowered will help to alter the course for all. It is time to be the master of your own reality.
With Love and respect,
Quan Yin
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