
Saturday, March 26, 2016

The True Message of Christ at Easter

 This is a Day of Rejoicing as we remember who we are! ‘Know Ye nothat Ye are Gods/Goddesses.’
Our Christ body is part of our unseen physiology linked above our heads, a pathway to Spirit.
To connecto our Higher Aspects we must consciously operate thru our Christ energies.
There are several Spiritual Planes as we open them, we open to our Divine Nature.
It’s not about a religion or a set of beliefs, it’s about experiencing our True Nature.
Thru Living as our christ nature we return to a life as a co-creator with God, Ishvara,
Our AlmightyFather~Mother who are our Eternal Divine Parents & we are Divine Sparks
of their Divine Flame, struck off about 150 trillion years ago athe beginning of this Cosmic Day. 
This is why Joshua said only thru me can you reach the Father, meaning only thru your Christ body.
Shortly we will return to our Divine Status as we witness the New Matrix Light & Our New Luminosity.
This is the Hidden Truthe Secret being kepthru religion-s & the cabal as we Awaken to the Glory of our Being.
Happy Easter to All,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

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