
Monday, July 13, 2015

Nature of the Universe

You can take an active, leading part in The Shift. Develop your heart chakra by knowing that this is the destiny
of humanity, that the universe is benign, and that you can tap into its endless supply of unconditional love.
Allow yourself to be filled with this infinite supply of love and then become more deeply aware
of your own unique role in changing today's world for the better...
When you practice thinking witheart & Loving withe mind you'll feel the difference & it's Fun,

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2015 5:05 PM
GalacticHeart banner
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for July ~


Usually, when PAO prepares a Webinar, we know in advance what the topics will be. But in July’s unique Live Webinar, for the very first time, the Galactic Federation will transmit to Sheldan, instantaneously, a fluid Galactic report on our progress.

As the GF tunes in to our collective needs, Sheldan will translate their message to us.

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We will learn how our light body integrations are being accelerated, and be given new information on the abundance program. Everything else shared is unknown to us at this time!

PAO offers the same webinar presentation on two different dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible.

Sunday, July 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, July 30, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To register make payment: Click here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
For your convenience, time converter

The Shift To a Heart-Centered Culture

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Since the 1960s, a massive shift in consciousness has brought sweeping changes to society. Wouldn't we all like to know where this heading? And, what will tomorrow's world look like?
The answer emerged as long ago as the 1960s, when a pioneering social scientist called Clare Graves was studying the phases of conscious evolution that society has gone through over the ages.
His studies led him to declare that humankind is preparing for what he called a momentous leap - a mega-change within society which would dwarf all previous changes, because it would open up a whole new tier of evolutionary changes.
In 2005, I published a book called The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness which pointed out that these stages of social evolution agree perfectly with the human chakra system. The key to matching these two systems lay in pointing out the little-known fact that there are two phases to each of the major chakras - a yin and a yang phase.
The yin phase is where people begin to explore the new frequency of consciousness and the expanded worldview which it offers. Then, they graduate to the yang phase, where they master the new chakra and use their new ability to create effective action which changes their world for the better.
For example, society spent much of the 20th century mastering the solar plexus chakra. This resulted in the development of intellect, along with science, technology, and all the wonderful gadgets that we enjoy today.
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In the late 20th century, it became more and more obvious that many people were taking the next step and developing heart-centered consciousness. The activation of the heart chakra brings an awareness that the good of the many is an important concern and that cooperation can produce more for everyone than competition ever did.
Heart-centered consciousness brings an expanded worldview where issues like sustainability, human rights, and the freedom to develop your own potential come to the fore. These issues simply don't exist in the solar plexus world of ambitious intellect. But, in a heart-centered world, they become very much a part of the landscape.
What happens, you might ask, when many more people take this even a step further and move from the yin or introductory phase into the yang phase of the heart chakra? Then, they will master this new, expanded level of consciousness.
The active or yang phase of heart-centered consciousness is where unconditional love begins to flow through the person. At first, it may seem like a mystery where these higher sentiments are coming from, but eventually the awakening person realizes that this is simply the nature of the universe.
If this sounds like a spiritual awakening, that's because it is. The higher aspect of the heart chakra is the launching pad for an appreciation of the spiritual nature that exists behind all physical manifestation.
Despite what you were taught as a child, this is not a hostile universe. It is benign through and through. The sense of unconditional love that you feel as you settle into heart-centered consciousness is not generated by wishful thinking... you are sensing the energy that forms the very fabric of the universe!
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Belligerence is a man-made illusion. It is a divergence from the true nature of the universe. The universe is essentially a loving and supportive place. We just have to channel that feeling of unconditional love into our lives and the world will change beyond recognition.
You can take an active, leading part in The Shift. Develop your heart chakra by knowing that this is the destiny of humanity, that the universe is benign, and that you can tap into its endless supply of unconditional love. Allow yourself to be filled with this infinite supply of love and then become more deeply aware of your own unique role in changing today's world for the better.
The more you become accustomed to heart-centered awareness, the more you become one of the True Hearts who, right now, at this very moment, are pioneering a New Reality on Planet Earth.
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