
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart~Celia Fenn

The Diamond Heart is the Cosmic Frequency that is being embodied within the Galaxy to express the highest frequencies of Divine Light and Divine Creative Will. The Diamond Codes are received on the Earth from the Great Central Sun or Galactic Center as pulsations of Diamond White Light or Fire...


Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 3:47 PM
Subject: Activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart~Celia Fenn
GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


What a beautiful way to celebrate Summer Solstice 2015 than to gather with us on Sunday for our webinar on Synchronicities. Actually it was not planned that our webinar fall on Summer Solstice ~ it was synchronicity. Love it!
Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere is a day for Honoring the Sun, Earth and Heavens; a Day for Inner Focus, Meditation and celebration.
It is a time to raise our energy to regenerate abundance and manifest our dreams. We do this by tapping into something that is eternal. Sheldan will show us how we can use this heightened energy to prepare us for full consciousness.
Wishing you a blessed Summer Solstice and to all our dear friends in the Southern hemisphere, we send LOVE and honoring for your transition into Winter Solstice.
Join us Sunday for life-affirming Solstice celebration.
Selamat Ja!
Global Timings:
USA Hawaii - 06:39 AM Sunday
USA Alaska 08:39 AM Sunday
USA Pacific & British Colombia Canada 09:39 AM Sunday
USA Mountain & Alberta Canada 10:39 AM Sunday
USA Central 11:39 AM Sunday
Mexico City & Winnipeg - 11: 39 AM Sunday
USA Eastern, Toronto & Montreal 12:39 AM Sunday
Brazil & Argentina 13:39 PM Sunday
UT England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales 17:39 PM Sunday
Western Europe Amsterdam, Paris Oslo 18:39 PM Sunday
Central Europe Geneva, 18:39 PM Sunday
South Africa Jo'berg 18:39 PM Sunday
Bucharest, Athens, Moscow 19:39 PM Sunday
Israel & Turkey 19:39 PM Sunday
Perth, Australia 12:39 AM ( Monday June 22)
Beijing China 12:39 AM ( Monday June 22
Tokyo Japan 01:39 AM (Monday June 22)
Sydney & Melbourne Oz 02:39 AM ( Monday June 22)

Auckland New Zealand 04:39 ( Monday June 22)


Embracing the Flow of Life

Galactic energy flows continuously, assisting in raising our vibrations. It is a gift that intensifies our potential for more synchronistic moments. Sheldan prepares us to effectively use this energy.

In this Webinar Sheldan will explain how we can use this heightened energy to prepare us for full consciousness.

Topics include...
• Awakening to our new energy systems
• Importance of connecting with your I AM Presence
• Adjusting to new perceptions ~ Tuning into the flow of life
• Heart Logic ~ Honing your intuition
• What the Indigos are teaching us
• Intersecting our human energy with divine energy

Sunday, June 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, June 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California Time)

Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To register make payment: Click here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.

The June 2015 Solstice : Activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart, Birthing the New Earth Soul

Beloved Family of Light, your Planet is reaching a key moment in its process of Ascension and Transformation. As you enter into the "Event Field" of the June Solstice on the 21st June, you are feeling the incoming and powerful energies of the Lion's Gate, the 8/8/8 and the final Lunar Eclipse of the two year series on the 28th of September.
These events mark the final "grounding process" of the Cosmic Diamond Heart Frequencies into the Multi-Dimensional Earth Grids, as well as the Birthing of the New Earth Soul. This is the true beginning of the Earth Star/Planet as a Multi-Dimensional experiential reality field for all Light Beings who choose to incarnate on the Earth. This includes not only Humans but all forms of life, including the Animal and Plant families.
At this beautiful convergence of energies at the Solstice, you will fully embody the Diamond Codes and the Diamond Light through activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart. You will welcome the New Earth Soul as a powerful new archetype, and you can if you so choose, participate in calling back the animals who are beginning to leave the Planet in a mass extinction event.

Activating The Diamond Heart : Cosmic Codes.....on Earth as it is in Heaven

In February of 2014 those of you who are Starseeds and Galactic Warriors made a massive Timeline Jump or shift to this present timeline. The Group Soul work was to create a way forward into the New Earth on this very heavy timeline. In this process of healing and balancing and bringing in the Diamond Codes, the Earth's Timeline fields would be unified so that all timelines were directed at a Multi-Dimensional New Earth where Humanity could continue to evolve and thrive together with all other Earth Life Forms. This was an heroic effort by Family of Light and those of you who are Fourth Dimensional Time Masters, to align the timelines into a common future of Peace and Love. You were to do this by creating peace and harmony in your own lives and by learning how to embody the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes. You were also to do this be connecting deeply with the Earth and the Elemental Energies and calling back the precious creations to participate in the New Earth. This is what is being celebrated at this time.
The Diamond Heart is the Cosmic Frequency that is being embodied within the Galaxy to express the highest frequencies of Divine Light and Divine Creative Will. The Diamond Codes are received on the Earth from the Great Central Sun or Galactic Center as pulsations of Diamond White Light or Fire. The Heart of the Earth is in the process of aligning with these frequencies, and of course those of you who are working as Family of Light and Star Warriors are learning how to align your own Diamond Heart with these same Cosmic Frequencies.
The Diamond Light is the most intense and high frequency energy that has yet been embodied on the Earth. It is a white fire that brings love, compassion and creativity at very high levels. The key word is "Intensity". When you embody this Light then you begin to experience the intensity and passion of the Diamond Light.
In terms of your physical body, there can be very powerful and noticeable effects on all levels. On the level of the body, all places where the frequency is low will be affected, as the body spins off low frequency and becomes more refined. Many people notice this in the digestive system, as this is an area where low frequency energies are still found as people eat without consciousness of what they are doing. On the emotional and mental levels, all low frequency fears and anxieties will be spun off and released to be replaced by higher frequency energies. This may give rise to anxiety and stress, and to an overactive mental or emotional energy for a while as the old patterns are "revved up" as they are transformed into Higher Frequency. Do not hold on to what needs to be released. The more you hold on, the more difficult it will be to move forward with your life. Release with grace and gratitude and allow your Higher Self to lead you forward into the new frequencies and the new version of yourself.
In terms of the Earth itself, these intense frequencies are causing much movement and disruption in weather and other global patterns. In the Pacific "Ring of Fire" and other places you will be seeing increased activity in volcanoes and earthquakes as the Earth moves into the Higher Frequencies and the Planet adjusts to these Diamond Frequencies. The cleansing activities of Fire and Water will be very noticeable at this time.
Beloved Ones, you chose to jump to this timeline to be the agents of change at this time. As you work with these deep and intense energies, know that you are working with your Soul, your Soul Group and your Soul Families. You are Masters of Time and Space and you are creating a new timeline for the Earth in her journey through Time and Space.

PAO Resources

This Solstice message hits on several subjects which have been covered in detail in our past webinars. If you are interested in more information on timelines, Earth Changes and Ascension symptoms, check out these webinar archives and see if you want to add them to your Ascension library. Click Here
* Collapsing Timelines (Webinar 34)
* Battling Dimensional Fatigue (Webinar 35)
* Resetting Our Solar System (Webinar 36)
* StarSeeds: Wayshowers to Full Consciousness (Webinar 45)
* Escalating Earth Changes (Webinar 47)
* Power of Sun Earth and Moon (Webinar 51)
Note: To help you choose, PAO offers a free webinar preview video on Youtube.
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