
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Crossing the Bridge of Light ~ L'Aura Pleiadian

The Great Journey is the Journey of the Heart, they said. It is the most Natural Journey, and yet the most challenging.
One must leave behind the understanding of the Heart through the Mind, to enter Deeply and fully the experience and Knowing of the Heart...


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----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2015 7:43 PM
Subject: Crossing the Bridge of Light ~ L'Aura Pleiadian
GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

We were created to be here at this time ~ that's right, it is in our spiritual contract to wake up to a higher consciounsess and to be of service.
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We are here in service to raise the frequency on Earth and to shine the Light for those that are finding their way home.
The great majority of people on the planet see only the world of illusion because they are living out of the lower vibrations and negative energies of their egos. To change the world we must change our perspective, our consciousness. We must draw forth from within a new awareness, understanding and knowledge of the universe ~ to connect with our I AM Presence, our true nature. And with each degree in the shift of our consciousness, more true Reality is revealed to us outwardly in our world.
Can you feel that the energies have shifted recently? Can you feel that we are being uplifted more than ever? The illusion is finite but the Truth of who we are is infinite.
Keep shining your Light bright ~ illuminating our new reality. Truly, Together we are Victorious!
Selamat Ja!
Sheldan Nidle DVDs


by Pleiadian Delegate ~ L'Aura Pleiadian
These Beautiful Beings of Light ~ asked me to enter my Light Body fully and cross the Bridge of Light to meet them. They had been Observing me and wanted me to know that they were present, and that they were observing all the changes taking place within the Hearts of those on Planet Earth.
As I crossed the Bridge of Light, and walked through as Light, they welcomed me to their present home, their place of Being~ in-between dimensions. This was their world. In dazzling robes of Violet Light they greeted me with Love, and welcomed me with great Joy. They were holding within their Hearts, Love for humanity and Love for all Beings and Hearts and Souls everywhere.
The Great Journey is the Journey of the Heart, they said. It is the most Natural Journey, and yet the most challenging. One must leave behind the understanding of the Heart through the Mind, to enter Deeply and fully the experience and Knowing of the Heart.
In the Journey of the Heart there are no regrets, they said. We Love over and over, and the pain in the Heart is the Heart stretching to Greater and Greater Love.
Their Love encompassed everything. There was nowhere where their Love was not.
This too, is the Heart Opening like a flower, its Beautiful Presence permeates everything.
Filled with so much Love ~ I knew that is All There Is. Deep in my Heart the Bridge of Light Lives. I travel Often to many worlds, to many temples, every night and Day, and Often I am Present in many all at once.
The Love that is Everywhere, is the journey that is taking Place within the Hearts of all those that Desire Love, on Planet Earth. This is the Home that you have sought. This Home is your Heart, It is within you, it is Love and it is Yours and it is You, Everywhere.
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