
Monday, February 9, 2015

Adding to the Light & Loveventing on Our World

We can add our Attention & Intention to the Growing Light & Loveventing across Mother Earth,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breaths of Our Ascension

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An Opportunity to Add to the Light of the World
by Patricia Cota-Robles

February 8, 2015

Miracles took place last year that allowed the New Year, 2015, to be birthed in a star burst of Celestial Light. That influx of Divine Light has catapulted Humanity and the Earth into higher frequencies of energy, vibration, and consciousness than we have ever been able to withstand. The miracles of 2014 included an unprecedented activity of Light that empowered the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to begin the initial impulse of Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness en masse.

( An important note: Some people resist the term Christ Consciousness because they feel it is based in Christianity, but that is not true. Christ Consciousness is the level of enlightenment we were invested with at our inception, the moment we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation by our (Almighty)Father-Mother God.

As Sons and Daughters of God, Christ Consciousness is the level of enlightenment we must ALL return to if we are going to continue our evolutionary process. Our return to Christ Consciousness will be accomplished by healing the adverse effects of our fall from Grace, so that we can return to the Path of Divine Love and Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution to the next level of our learning experiences.

If, however, the term Christ Consciousness prevents you from hearing the message being given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven during this Cosmic Moment, then by all means change that term to whatever resonates for you as the name of your true God Reality. Whatever you do, please do not miss this Cosmic Opportunity to add to the Light of the World because of semantics. )

The miracles of 2014 also included a consecration of the Water Element that had been unfolding through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth for more than 6,500 years. That consecration took place on October 18, 2014. During that event, the Way of Peace from the Realms of Illumined Truth was encoded within the Core of Purity in every single molecule of water on Earth, including the water that comprises more than 70% of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies. That miracle empowered the Water Element with the ability to purge and purify the Earth and Humanity’s bodies in NEW and profound ways.

There are myriad activities of Light taking place all over the Planet. In various ways Lightworkers around the World are taking full advantage of the miracles that were God Victoriously accomplished in 2014. What I would like to share with you now is a NEW GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY that involves greatly amplifying the frequency of Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This expansion of Light will create a sacred space so that the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth will be able to encode the full gathered momentum of our (Almighty)Father-Mother God’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Frequencies of Divine Love in every particle and wave of Life on Earth. This unparalleled frequency of Divine Love will also be encoded in all of the spaces in between the particles and waves of Life on this Planet. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have revealed that this event will lift every facet of Life on this Planet a quantum leap further up the Spiral of Evolution into the embrace of our (Almighty)Father-Mother God’s Divine Love.

Accelerating Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System

For 69 years Tucson, Arizona has hosted the largest Gem and Mineral Show in the World. Literally tens of thousands of buyers and dealers from every corner of the globe flood into Tucson the last weekend in January. For two weeks, this event blesses not only Arizona but the entire Planet Earth with exquisite Light from an incomprehensible collection of crystals, gems, minerals, and other gifts from the Elemental Kingdom. Unless you have experienced the magnitude of this accumulation of crystallized Sacred Fire and Divine Light from the Body of Mother Earth, it is difficult to fathom the beauty and wonder of these gifts from the Elemental Kingdom. Then, on Valentine’s Day, the increased frequency of Light that has been building in momentum for two weeks is sealed in Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System utilizing the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness, which is focused on Valentine’s Day and Divine Love.

This year, 2015, Mother Earth and the Elemental Kingdom have the opportunity to expand this activity of Light a THOUSANDFOLD due to the intensified purging and purification being accomplished by the new frequencies encoded in the Water Element, and the initial shift into Christ Consciousness that is unfolding day by day within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity.

The Elemental Kingdom has been preparing the Earth for this influx of Light since the beginning of the year. Record-breaking storms have been purging and purifying the United States of America from coast to coast since the inception of 2015. Even though our weather reports are focused primarily on the USA, powerful and record-breaking water events are taking place all over the Planet.

In Tucson, Arizona, when we awakened on New Year’s Day, we were blessed with a beautiful blanket of snow that covered the ground. I cannot tell you how very rare that is. Since then we have experienced record-breaking rains and two mystical days when a purifying fog covered all of Arizona. One of those days was February 1st the day of the Super Bowl Game, which not by chance took place in Arizona this year. In the morning before the game, we experienced such a thick fog that Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix had to be shut down for a few hours.

We are One and there is NO separation. Consequently, when large numbers of people focus their attention on a particular event, such as the Super Bowl Game, a collective Cup of Consciousness is formed that can influence the entire Planet Earth. In order for that to happen, Lightworkers simply need to invoke the I AM Presence of every person on Earth and ask the Legions of Light to gather up every electron of precious Life energy being expended by people as they focus on the particular event. Lightworkers need to then invoke the Violet Flame and ask the I AM Presence of each person to purify the energy being released, so that every electron of that energy can be used for the highest good of all concerned in the fulfillment of God’s Divine Plan.

That is exactly what took place during the Super Bowl Game as a record-breaking 114 million people in the USA turned their attention to Arizona while watching the game. That number does not even include the millions of people around the World who turned their attention to Arizona by watching the game through various satellite connections. Another event that drew the attention of people from all over the World to Arizona during the opening weekend of the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show was the televised Phoenix Open Golf Tournament. Both of these events greatly empowered the Light flowing through the crystals and gems at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show and paved the way for the success of the unfolding Divine Plan our (Almighty)Father-Mother God are calling us to fulfill at this time.

Even though our (Almighty)Father-Mother God, the entire Company of Heaven, and the Directors and the Divine Intelligence associated with the Elemental Kingdom are standing in readiness, they cannot accomplish this unprecedented activity of Light without the participation of embodied Lightworkers which, of course, includes you and me. Remember, THE CALL FOR ASSISTANCE MUST COME FROM THE REALM WHERE THE ASSISTANCE IS NEEDED. In order for the Light of God to manifest on Earth, that Light must be drawn through the Divinity pulsating within the Heart Flame of someone embodied on Earth. The more embodied Lightworkers there are invoking this Light, the more powerful and effective this unfolding facet of the Divine Plan will be.

Valentine’s Day February 14, 2015
Expanding the Love of God a Thousandfold

On Valentine’s Day, through the Collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness and the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, the Love of our (Almighty)Father-Mother God will be encoded within the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth. This unfathomable Divine Love will be secured through all of the spaces in between the particles and waves of Life as well. With the conscious cooperation of awakened Lightworkers, and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, the Love of God will expand a THOUSANDFOLD beyond any frequency of Light Humanity has ever experienced.

Each of our I AM Presences will guide us unerringly in this holy endeavor. Just go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame and ask how you can most effectively add to the Light of the World during this Cosmic Moment.

In addition to our personal invocations and ceremonies, there is a Global Activity of Light that has been building in momentum for 13 years. This powerful event will serve as the perfect vehicle for our collective celebration of both Sound and the Holy Breath to accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan. I highly recommend that all of us participate in World Sound Healing Day at 12:00 noon local time wherever we are on the Planet.

13th Annual
Feb. 14, 2015
Become a Sonic Co-Creator
Join thousands throughout the planet on February 14, 2015 at 12:00 noon (your local time ) as we sound forth for 5 minutes with an “AH” projected with the energy of Compassion and LOVE. Send a sonic Valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth and change Global Consciousness!

1). Heal Our Planet!
2). Heal Our Waters!
3). Raise Our Consciousness!

Scientific data measuring the effects of World Sound Healing Day provided by the Global Consciousness Project, the Global Coherence Initiative and other organizations shows great promise with regard to the power of intentionalized Sacred Sound to help create positive shifts and changes on our Planet.

We heal our Planet and we heal ourselves.
We heal ourselves and we heal our Planet.

I am going to include a couple of links below that give you important information that will help you during this powerful but often challenging time.
Mother Mary’s Rosary for an Awakening Humanity:

Healing Waters:

(If the links do not work please copy and paste them in your browser.)

God Bless YOU,
Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

©2015 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

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