
Monday, December 1, 2014

Earth's radiation shield?

"The fire within you that aspires to greatness of spirit and creation burns brightly once again and moves you forward on your noble quest in the search for higher meaning in life."

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

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----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 12:31 PM
Subject: Earth's radiation shield?
GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart...

After reading yesterday's posting from Hilarion, I remembered that in September and October I focused on healing my ancestral lines of dysfunctional patterns. My Mother's side of the family which is predominately Irish took me back to what happened to the Irish Celts when Christianity wanted to abolish the Celtic culture. Because Celtic women were considered "warriors" the church had to take away their power and condemn anyone who supported them. Women were deemed to be witches and persecuted. This was the beginning of my ancestral lineage to be strong women but silent for fear of being hung, set afire, publically ridiculed, etc.
Personally, I have worked on this "ancestral baggage" because as a Starseed I have come to planet Earth to speak my Truth, reunite us with our Galactic families and transform duality into Oneness. When doing my inner work I discover my fear to step further out with my mission. Some would say that I am already "courageous" with our PAO mission. However, there is so much more to do. So by going even deeper into my ancestral fears, I clear the path for my ever expanding spiritual nature. Remembering my "star lineage" aways brings me to tears...tears of Joy as the Love I feel is so immense I can hardly contain it in this current body temple.
I love this quote from Hilarion's message. It speaks to my heart:
"As you work upon the refinement of duality, let it not become so weighty that you lose your perspective. Make time and take the time, for frequent breaks from your dedicated efforts. When you do this you come back refreshed, revitalized and regenerated, filled with renewed enthusiasm and passion for your projects and goals. The fire within you that aspires to greatness of spirit and creation burns brightly once again and moves you forward on your noble quest in the search for higher meaning in life."
PAO's webinar, Cosmic Common Sense, helps us to explore how to shed our ancestral baggage. It is a good resource as we raise our vibrations and embrace our evolving spiritual path.
Blessings of Love to All...


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For some time, many of us have wondered when something will actually happen. As we approach announcements and disclosure, Lightworkers - Starseeds are experiencing unprecedented bouts of health changes. This is a sure sign that the galactics are readying us for an imminent shift. It is happening now, and we as wayshowers are in the midst of changing our vibrations.

Preview video~ Road to Disclosure

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Coping with this preparation requires cosmic common sense. This Webinar will help us develop a true understanding of how the Ascension process is preparing us vibrationally so that we can attain the galactic frequency we need to move ahead.

Topics include...
• Shedding our Ancestral Baggage
• The Battle between Head vs Heart: Trusting our Heart Logic
• Experiencing Awakenedness: Dealing Sensibly with 3D
• Creating Realistic Expectations: We are a reflection of our readiness
• The role of the Galactic Federation: Medical Teams and us
• Cosmic Healing
• Are we ready?

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ZaZuMa! Heartfelt gratitude from PAO to you....thank you for supporting PAO by purchasing our consciousness raising tools.

Invisible hissing doughnut is Earth's radiation shield

27 November 2014 by Flora Graham
dn26631-1 460
(Image: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio)
The rainbow ring in this animation is full of tiny radioactive missiles traveling close to the speed of light, shown in this animation as yellow and blue streaks.
Far above Earth, this high-energy radiation from space can damage satellite electronics and pose serious health risks to astronauts. The particles also constantly charge towards the planet's surface, but luckily an invisible shield of plasma bent into a doughnut shape by Earth's magnetic field, shown in green, keeps radiation at bay.


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