
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Archangel Gabriel brings creative solutions

If we were only enlightened enough to have the greater perspective necessary to see our way through every challenge in the world, we know there would be a creative solution. This is what is available to us..

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & GJack ****

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 6:01 PM
Subject: Archangel Gabriel brings creative solutions
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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

A PAO member sent us the article (below) about Archangel Gabriel. I found it fascinating...I learned interesting facts about Gabriel that I never knew before. It seems fitting for this time of year. Enjoy!


A reminder: If you are registering for Sunday's Webinar using PayPal, the cutoff time is 10 am PST (California time). This is to provide us with time to complete your registration. However, if you click on "return to PAO", you will be taken to the final step to complete for your personal webinar link. Most people log off Paypal but if you click on "return to PAO" you can complete the registration process.
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Selamat Ja!


After the landings, those of us who are currently incarnated on Earth will relocate to Inner Earth, another planet in this solar system, or travel to another star system.


After the Landings:

Our Future Homes

In this webinar we will learn about the new places we will go and what our possible roles will be in Galactic Society.

Topics include...

• Inner Earth
• Venus
• Mars
• Maldec
• Travelling beyond our solar system
• Life within a planet
• Keeping a planet's surface pristine
• Our future roles as Galactic Humans

Sunday, December 14, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST


Thursday, December 18, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST (California time)

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Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

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Cost: $15.00 U.S.

The Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel has been featured more prominently throughout history than any other Archangel. Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her about the birth of the Christ Child, came to Moses and opened the Red Sea for the Israelites’ safe passage from Egypt, and from his appearance to Mohammed a new religion was birthed. The theme for all these visitations seemed to be a message of hope.
Especially at Christmas, awareness of Archangel Gabriel is at a peak. The empowerment of Divine Love is more available and ideas of Peace, Harmony and Good Will are prevalent. These are all qualities of consciousness that Archangel Gabriel represents.

More about Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is the master of communication, the inspiration behind the muse, the creative energy in the creative flow, and a most beloved partner. Some even see Gabriel as the Angel of Resurrection. With all of these attributes, joining in partnership with Archangel Gabriel allows balance to flow into our lives creating the spark of Divine Love in worldly partnerships, and a heaven-sent gift to open our hearts.
Archangel Gabriel is centered in the Second Chakra, which is our Creative Center. Calling on this powerful presence can definitely bring more Light into our beings. Since the second chakra is located below the navel at what is called the “Hara Center,” it is here at the center of our being that some cultures attribute the “breath of God.” When the breath flows through this center it can bring new balance and cooperation into all relationships.
When we join together in service of the Greater Good for all, it is a worthy goal for any partnership. This intention will have a ripple effect up-leveling all relationships on earth creating new loving respect for all beings. Assurance of a creative flow is part of the promise when one turns to a life of serving God. Honoring one another and seeing the powerful connection within all beings is the basis for respect and empowerment in personal relationships of all kinds.
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The Dalai Lama speaks of this link with all beings when he says, “If you see yourself in others, then whom can you harm?”
The Second Chakra, or Svadisthana, is the center that is most well known as the Sexual Chakra, although it affects all creativity. It can reflect the desire to create children as well as bring our creative ideas into physical form. One of the strong qualities of consciousness in this center is “Honoring One Another” as this chakra resonates to our need for relationships on an emotional level. There is also an energetic connection to the physical body which affects all the organs in that region.
The primary strengths in this chakra are the ability to survive financially, the “fight or flight” instinct, and the resilience to recover from loss by re-establishing our life by making good decisions for ourselves. The primary fears are abandonment, betrayal and financial loss, among others. When we notice that we are making decisions from these fears, rather than from the faith that we are being cared for by a Greater Power, it is time for more trust knowing that we have powerful support to enable us to take care of ourselves. My favorite affirmation for this is:

“All my needs are met with grace and ease, and I am cared for eternally.”

All of our relationships, whether personal or business, have spiritual value as we learn to become more conscious through each interaction. We learn to form unions with people who support our development and release relationships that handicap our growth. In the second chakra, we can also balance our inner male and female, and come into harmony with ourselves.
When we focus on the qualities Archangel Gabriel brings into this center, we can choose to become more honoring and compassionate with ourselves. This will allow a healthy flow of energy through these very volatile areas, setting free the power of Creative Solutions in every area of our lives.
If we were only enlightened enough to have the greater perspective necessary to see our way through every challenge in the world, we know there would be a creative solution. This is what is available to us when healthy energy is flowing in the second chakra, and we are calling in the Light so that we may see more clearly. I believe it is an immutable law such as the Law of Attraction.
I have had many direct experiences with the amazing opportunity inherent in the Law of Creative Solutions that Archangel Gabriel brings into our lives. You might want to experiment with this idea. Do not expect that the solution will look anything like what you imagined. Praying for Creative Solutions will take it out of your intellectual process and turn it over to a Higher Power, saving you a lot of stress. You will feel the rightness of the decisions made from this creative place.
One of the last messages I received from Archangel Gabriel in November 1997 before my life moved into great upheaval was, “Just when did you THINK you would need Faith?” In other words, it is easy to maintain faith when things are going well, but in times when we are faced with tremendous challenge, that’s when we definitely need to have faith. It has been a powerful teaching for me and for all of us during this intense time of change on the planet. We allowed ourselves the assignment of anchoring Light as a Bridge from Heaven to Earth. Because we volunteered for this mission of service, we have a tremendous wellspring of Divine Assistance to call forth into our lives. It is up to us to call it in, and in that moment, we will be surrounded by Wings of Light.


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