
Thursday, September 11, 2014

More on our 3rd Eye

Some Rose oil on the center of the brow & sending light out of it helps activate your 3rd Eye;  Especially at night straight over the body for 10 or 15 minutes may create inner visions,

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****


----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 6:14 PM
GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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Yes, I'm sending more information about our Pineal Gland. Why? Because our Pineal Gland is so important. It is our third eye or commonly referred to as the "seat to our soul". Right now our bodies are preparing for our pineal chakra and the new pituitary chakra to rise in vibration so that we can access more from the galactic and spiritual realms ~ increase our communication with our Higher Self. This is awesome. Sheldan covered this in detail during his webinar, Ascension, which will be available as a download at the end of September.
Fluoride is the number one disruptor to our pineal gland opening gracefully. I know that everyone reading this newsletter is aware that fluoride is a neurotoxin. Please start the conversation with your friends and family so they too can be aware of the dangers and avoid fluoride. You don't always have to share the part that fluoride plays on consciousness .... that depends on how awake they are and receptive to information on chakras and our shift in consciousness. Use your intuition for how much to share. Always be respectful. Truly, together we are Victorious!
Selamat Ja!

Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for September

Our Ascension process is preparing us vibrationally so that we can attain the galactic frequency we need to move ahead. Learn how to cope using Cosmic Common Sense.

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For some time, many of us have wondered when something will actually happen. As we approach announcements and disclosure, Lightworkers - Starseeds are experiencing unprecedented bouts of health changes. This is a sure sign that the galactics are readying us for an imminent shift. It is happening now, and we as wayshowers are in the midst of changing our vibrations.

Coping with this preparation requires cosmic common sense. This Webinar will help us develop a true understanding of how the Ascension process is preparing us vibrationally so that we can attain the galactic frequency we need to move ahead.

Register Here!

Topics include...

• Shedding our Ancestral Baggage
• The Battle between Head vs Heart: Trusting our Heart Logic
• Experiencing Awakenedness: Dealing Sensibly with 3D
• Creating Realistic Expectations: We are a reflection of our readiness
• The role of the Galactic Federation: Medical Teams and us
• Cosmic Healing
• Are we ready?

Sunday, September 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, September 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

For your convenience: Time Converter
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

An Insight into Pineal Gland Decalcification

(Personal Note from Colleen: the ancient shamanic plant, Iboga, mentioned in this article is new to me. Since I have never used it, I cannot advocate for its use. Discern using your Cosmic Common Sense.)
The pineal gland has been at the core of spiritual traditions dating back thousands of years, spanning all inhabited continents. Prominently carved onto Buddhist statues, ceremoniously painted onto tribal faces, and deceptively displayed in the Vatican square, the pineal gland, known as the Third Eye, or Seat of the Soul, is still shrouded in mystery.
One of the culprits to the endless poverty, warfare, and illness in society today lies in humanity’s collective disconnection from their soul and their true divine nature. The key to awakening from this destructive dream lies in the pineal gland, a crystalline, cosmic antenna integrating multidimensional life-source into our five sense reality. Throughout the past few decades however, fluoride and other toxins have calcified this soul-gate, blocking many human beings from their divine guidance and limiting their personal power.
Iboga is an ancient shamanic plant medicine derived from the root bark of a curious tree, the Tabernanthe Iboga, which has been used for millenia by the Bwiti tribe of Equatorial West Africa as a ceremonial sacrament. Taken for its vast physical and psychological healing properties and as a right of passage and introduction to the spirit world, it opens the third eye and awakens one to their true spiritual nature. When ingested, the spirit of the plant awakens, projecting a celestial film within the mind’s eye of the initiate, teaching experientially through holographic vision and divine dialog. Also ridding the body of mind-numbing toxins, and freeing the mind from detrimental programming and limiting beliefs, this plant medicine offers serious promise as a tool for Western seekers in our collective quest to break free from the matrix and reconnect with Mother Earth.

Fluoride and the War on Consciousness

As renowned author and historian Graham Hancock explains in his banned TED talk, The War on Consciousness there is a deliberate effort to prevent sovereign individuals from exploring the vast potential of their own minds. To control a population, the masses must be programmed through spells conjured up by a corrupt corporate media, cultural programs of self-destruction, and the diabolical manipulation of the noosphere. The operating system of the mind is accessed through language, and one’s reality is a combination of the filters, biases and belief systems learned from the dominant conversations in a society. Whom ever controls the language of a society creates the reality for its members.
To further influence the consciousness of human kind in our seemingly backwards world, the mind is targeted and weakened by an onslaught of toxicity. Sodium fluoride, an inorganic chemical compound and toxic waste product of the aluminum industry, is one of the main toxins used by the elite to increase our susceptibility to subliminal messages and mind control. By narcotizing an area in the left occipital lobe of the brain, fluoride makes people docile, passive, disconnected, and obedient.
Source: Stage2Omega
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