
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mexico turns Monsanto's dream into nightmare

By the way, 44 of the top experts on corn seeds are in Mexico and are grads from this (Mexican) university.
None of them want GMO seed corn in their country....

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----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:02 PM
Subject: Mexico turns Monsanto's dream into nightmare
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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

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We are being asked to be active citizens. I have chosen a couple critical issues to be my focus. One of these is to stop GMO seeds/food.
I like this article because it is not just about stopping Monsanto in Mexico but the University of Mexico is conducting DNA tests showing that under the right conditions, God created a stalk of corn to produce up to 13 ears of corn (right now they are averaging 2). They are using frequency technology to energize the water and seeds so that it will outproduce anything on earth today Once again, everything is energy and frequency. Very Cool. People power is awesome. I know I say this a lot but it is true ~~ Truly, Together we are Victorious!
Selamat Ja!

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Mexico's judge turns Monsanto's dream into nightmare

Sept 04, 2014
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Last year I was told that Microsoft's Bill Gates and Carlos Slim went to Mexico with $20 million in hand to bribe Mexico's lawmakers into allowing Monsanto to bring GMO seeds to Mexico. Then the president of Mexico discovered that a major university in Mexico had been developing a much better way to feed the world with old-world seeds, including corn that would produce up to 13 ears of corn per stalk. (Normal production is just 2 ears.)
I have seen the pictures of this super-corn having 10 ears on one stalk. DNA tests show that under the right conditions, God created it to produce up to 13 ears of corn.

They are using frequency technology to energize the water and seeds so that it will outproduce anything on earth today.

The University plans to make Mexico the breadbasket of the world--that is, unless the GMO's spoil the environment and the big seed companies succeed in their plan to take control of the world's food supply.
By the way, 44 of the top experts on corn seeds are in Mexico and are grads from this university. None of them want GMO seed corn in their country.
It was reported to me by a faculty member of this same major university that after the distribution of the bribe money, the Mexican president could not stop the lawmakers from passing the law to allow GMO's, but he instructed his good friend, the judge, to block the law on constitutional grounds. Monsanto now has to conduct years of tests to prove that it's GMO's are safe to the environment. It is doubtful that they will be able to prove this.
That is the story as I heard it from my faculty friend from the agricultural department of the university.
It appears that the following news article is about this situation.
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"The latest country to put a spanner in the works is Mexico. This past week the country’s Federal Court voted to uphold Judge Marroquín Zaleta’s 2013 ruling to suspend the granting of licenses for GMO field trials sought by Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow, Pionner-Dupont and Mexico’s SEMARNAT (Environment and Natural Resources Ministry). Zaleta’s ruling was in response to a suit brought by a collective of 53 scientists and 22 civil rights organizations and NGOs.
In defending his ruling, Zaleta cited the potential risks to the environment posed by GMO corn. If the biotech industry got its way, he argued, more than 7000 years of indigenous maize cultivation in Mexico would be endangered, with the country’s 60 varieties of corn directly threatened by cross-pollination from transgenic strands.
Monsanto’s response was as swift as it was brutal: not only did it – and its lackeys in the Mexican government – appeal Zaleta’s ruling, it also demanded his removal from the bench on the grounds that he had already stated his opinion on the case before sentencing.
"However, Monsanto’s bullying tactics failed to impress the Mexican judges. On August 15, the court convened to review Zaleta’s alleged bias ruled against the U.S. corporation’s legal suit. Also spurned by the Mexican courts was the world’s third largest GMO seed manufacturer, Syngenta, whose reapplication for a license to run test trials of its maize crops was rejected this week by the Federal Court.

Growing Resistance

Resistance to GMOs has been brewing in Mexico for a number of years. The country’s corn crop is far more than a mere staple; for millenia it has played a vital part in the country’s culture and economy, and a broad coalition of scientists and civil organizations is determined to safeguard its diversity and common ownership.
The painful lessons of the past serve as a stark warning of what could happen if the giants of agribusiness get their way. In 1994, the signing of NAFTA with the U.S. and Canada exposed the country’s smallhold farmers to competition from U.S. giants like Cargill and Corn Products International – all under the auspices, of course, of “free trade”. In short order millions of campesinos were turfed off their land and pushed into a precarious existence on the margins of cities in both Mexico and the U.S.
Should Biotech giants such as Monsanto and Syngenta win the current battle against Mexico’s judicial branch, the consequences would be even more devastating, as award-winning professor of Cellular Neurobiology David R. Schubert warned in a 2013 letter to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto:"
For complete article, Click HERE

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