
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Amygdala~Fertility~Abundance~Portal Sept 3 – 9

For the duration of seven days (7) days said portal shall bring many opportunities, for not only the inner workings of your heart, but the inner workings of your mind, thereby aligning you with various opportunities to access the abundance that you are all envisioning…

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts & Pictures at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2014 1:38 AM
Subject: Amygdala~Fertility~Abundance~Portal Sept 3 – 9
GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

After reading the informative message from the Pleiades High Council (via Anna Merkaba), I had to giggle a little. I love confirmation that we are "in sync" with the unfolding of the divine plan.
The Portal from September 3-9th is a time for increased cosmic awareness. This energy is affecting everything. We are experiencing even more upgrades to our DNA as the energy magnifies and releases ancient ancestral patterns embedded within our cellular structures. This is a must read message.
After reading that we are in the midst of releasing ancestral patterns, this is where I had to giggle.... What is PAO's September webinar about?
Shedding our Ancestral Baggage; Trusting our Heart logic; Learning how to cope with the ever increasing upgrades to our DNA and vibrations; receving help from our galactic families!
It appears that releasing our ancestral baggage is next on the agenda creating a new set of ascension symptoms for us to go through. Ahh, the good news is as we release these patterns, we can gracefully create and embrace the world we have been visualizing. Join us this month as Sheldan will share with you how to develop Cosmic Common Sense.
Keep shining your LIght in this world and beyond.
Selamat Ja!

Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for September

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For some time, many of us have wondered when something will actually happen. As we approach announcements and disclosure, Lightworkers - Starseeds are experiencing unprecedented bouts of health changes. This is a sure sign that the galactics are readying us for an imminent shift. It is happening now, and we as wayshowers are in the midst of changing our vibrations.

Coping with this preparation requires cosmic common sense. This Webinar will help us develop a true understanding of how the Ascension process is preparing us vibrationally so that we can attain the galactic frequency we need to move ahead.

Register Here!

Topics include...

• Shedding our Ancestral Baggage
• The Battle between Head vs Heart: Trusting our Heart Logic
• Experiencing Awakenedness: Dealing Sensibly with 3D
• Creating Realistic Expectations: We are a reflection of our readiness
• The role of the Galactic Federation: Medical Teams and us
• Cosmic Healing
• Are we ready?

Sunday, September 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, September 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

For your convenience: Time Converter
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

Amygdala ~ Fertility ~ Abundance Portal Sept 3 – 9 – Pleiades High Council

Healing Planet Earth
The portal that opens her gates to all of you on September 3rd of your earthly reality brings not only purification, but also fertility, and abundance on all. Aligning you with perfect opportunities for all who wish to adjust their frequency to match the frequencies of abundance, fertility and love. For the duration of seven days (7) days said portal shall bring many opportunities, for not only the inner workings of your heart, but the inner workings of your mind, thereby aligning you with various opportunities to access the abundance that you are all envisioning…
Tremendous potential lays ahead for humanity. Tremendous potential and opportunity gateways which are opening their gates to all. Opportunities to increase the knowledge of the self. Opportunities to rise above the mundane, opportunities to assist in the ascension of ones being, but more importantly an opportunity to reorganize and re address all that has been ingrained in the psyche from eons past. The portal that is to open to your earthlings yet again at the given moment in time is to bring with her tremendous opportunity to consciously cleanse and rebalance all the the old energies making room for the energies of love, light and infinite potential.
For we shall speak candidly with you of the opportunity gateway spreading it’s doors to all who shall bear witness to the fruitful commencement of new energies uplifting GAIA as we speak.
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Much has indeed occurred on your planes of existence, much has indeed shifted in preparation for this magnificent portal of light. And as such, we once again ask that you open your vessels of time and space and welcome the energies that are about to bathe you in eternal understanding, of love and light yet again. Open the dormant layers of understanding and completely surrender to the energies at hand. For as you understand much has shifted in your present reality in the last days of your earthly incarnations. Many shifts have indeed brought with them the new understanding of being.
And so the moment has come that we explain the information decree that your vehicles have been bombarded with for the past few years. For the endless incarnation of your species, a link to the source of your very own selves has indeed been lost, hidden within the depth of time and space, hidden within the karmic wheel of your earthly understanding of life. Hidden in the karmic wheel of existence. The wheel of karma which has been infused into the DNA structure of your human bodies.
Each of your vehicles consists of human DNA, and albeit the fact that many of you light workers are also infused with the DNA structure of different proportions which you have brought with you from distant planets and planes of existence, the informational decree with which your earth bodies have been infused with for eons past are indeed causing varying degree of separation from the source to occur. Varying degree of separation and misunderstanding of your present reality. The present reality that you have all been accustomed to throughout your own earthly existence and the existence of those who have come before you. For the DNA that you have acquired spans hundreds of generations from eons past. Each containing the imprint of conditions, rules, experiences of your ancestors. Conditions which have been both voluntarily acquired by your ancestors through a variety of experiences, and those that have been imprinted onto them by the forces of their leaders and elders.
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When we speak of such informational decrees, we encompass the understanding of war and peace, religion, customs, theology from the past. Behavioral patterns, and a list of dis-eases with which the ancestors of your human vehicles have been plagued with. All of these energies have indeed been imprinted into the DNA structure of those who have come before you, and have indeed found their way into the subconscious, and sub-atomic structure of your being. Coupled with the knowledge that you have acquired through your own experiences and the social understandings of your upbringings you can understand the tremendous amount of “JUNK” that you are all affected by from eons past.
And so and thus, with the opening of each of your earthly portals, a new energy wave is delivered into your bodies in order to assist you in pushing and cleansing all that does not belong in the new world into which humanity must move into in order to ascend to the understanding of that which they are.
And so, the portal at hand shall radically increase the energies which are being sent directly into your hearts, or rather the AMYGDALA of your heart. As the dormant layers within your amyglada are being reset, reconfigured and restructured, much of the dormant emotions, feelings and dispositions shall come to the surface. Much of that which you have not recognized on a conscious level, for the Amygdala is inaccessible to most of you through your consciousness and can only be accessed through the sub-conscious manipulation which in your known world is known as Hypnotherapy.
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Nevertheless the Amygdala of your hearts is being reset and so many of you shall experience heart pains, and varying degrees of discomfort as your heart is being activated and worked with continuously. As much of the dormant informational decrees are being pushed out from your Amygdala, into your consciousness to allow you to further release these outdated behavioral patterns.
And so, we ask you to remain calm, and allow your body to restore itself as it sees fit, for indeed it is a magnificent vehicle that is simply being reconstructed in order to adjust to the new frequency allowing your bodies to evolve in an upward spiral.
For as you understand much of the old energies must be cleansed and released, many emotions of the past must come to the forefront of your being in order to be purified, and so and thus, we ask that you simply allow your emotions to be released, and allow them to pass through and out of your body.
And so we must remind each of you that once again you are being upgraded, that your bodies are simply going through the necessary motions in order to sustain the amount of light and love that is entering your planet. For the love and understanding of pure unconditional love and truth, the love and light that are entering your planet must purify and readjust your energy fields in order to incorporate said energies and allow your consciousness to fully and completely comprehend the power of these frequencies in order to utilize them to build a new reality. Purifying the old energy grids. And so and thus the purification and re-alignment of the old paradigms, and thinking patterns shall continue to be in effect.
And so, the portal that opens her gates to all of you on September 3rd of your earthly reality brings not only purification, but also fertility, and abundance on all. Aligning you with perfect opportunities for all who wish to adjust their frequency to match the frequencies of abundance, fertility and love. For the duration of seven days (7) days said portal shall bring many opportunities, for not only the inner workings of your heart, but the inner workings of your mind, thereby aligning you with various opportunities to access the abundance that you are all envisioning.
Heed our words with care and allow the adjustments to take place, purifying you and preparing you for the times of fertility, abundance, love light, peace, harmony and varying degrees of turbulence for indeed, turbulence shall continue as you make your way through the upward spiral, expanding your consciousness pushing out all that does not belong in a world filled with love, light, balance, understanding and peace. Creating space for a new blueprint of your being and a new reality matrix of your choosing
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.


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