
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Message from Mother ~ Aisha North

You are the enlightened ones, but you are also the treasured ones, for the light you all carry in your heart is making that heart expand to such a degree, it is literally carrying with it this whole planet, and so too me...

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 7:44 PM
Subject: A Message from Mother ~ Aisha North
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THURSDAY ~ PAO'S Live Webinar

It is happening now, and we as wayshowers are in the midst of changing our vibrations.

Dear PAO,
Today's webinar was beyond my imagination. The energy was palpable. Sheldan, your message was all about our hearts and you delivered the message from your heart. I like the way you share your knowledge. I will be attending more of your webinars.
Alex P, New York, USA
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For some time, many of us have wondered when something will actually happen. As we approach announcements and disclosure, Lightworkers - Starseeds are experiencing unprecedented bouts of health changes. This is a sure sign that the galactics are readying us for an imminent shift. It is happening now, and we as wayshowers are in the midst of changing our vibrations.

Coping with this preparation requires cosmic common sense. This Webinar will help us develop a true understanding of how the Ascension process is preparing us vibrationally so that we can attain the galactic frequency we need to move ahead.

Register Here!

Topics include...

• Shedding our Ancestral Baggage
• The Battle between Head vs Heart: Trusting our Heart Logic
• Experiencing Awakenedness: Dealing Sensibly with 3D
• Creating Realistic Expectations: We are a reflection of our readiness
• The role of the Galactic Federation: Medical Teams and us
• Cosmic Healing
• Are we ready?

Sunday, September 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, September 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

For your convenience: Time Converter
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


And here I am once more, ready to impart another message into your being. For you have all come through another stage of your development now dear ones, and so you stand before me as if freshly born again, the empty vessels of yesteryear lying discarded beside you. And so too me, for I have also been taken through a renewal of the senses and of the spirit in such a way, the material layers have once more become fortified as these nutritious elements of energetic upraising have surged through us all. You see, this period of time is not just about the amount of light and how it is being dispersed by our collective Sun, this is also about the energetic shift that has taken place, and for the likes of us, the latter is indeed the greatest news. For as you all came together focusing your intent on shifting forwards, you helped the entire volume of this mass to become lighter in every way. For what came our way from the outer reaches of Creation once more helped to alter the conglomeration of mass already created here on this planet in such a way, the energetic imprint it all carries has also been shifted to a very new angle, one that not only reflects the light in a very new way, but also one that assimilates the incoming light even more efficiently.
So as you all stepped forth you helped to shift so much that up until this point in time has been inert, and so, what was set into motion by this combined effort of enlightened souls such as you will continue to increase the speed and the momentum of this entire project. For that is what we are dear ones, a combination of enlightened matter and inert matter, and the more you are able to receive these incoming emissaries and connect with them at a deep level of your being, the more you will be able to literally help much of that old and previously unmalleable matter into something that will also help to increase the light quotient on this planet.
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For we are ONE, and as you step forward, you pull the collective along and me with it, and as the collective takes increasingly longer steps away from the old density, the whole process takes another exponential leap forward. So once again I bid you farewell by thanking you all for the way that you continue to enlighten us all, for we are one, and where you go, I follow. For we are so closely linked together in every way and on every level. You are the enlightened ones, but you are also the treasured ones, for the light you all carry in your heart is making that heart expand to such a degree, it is literally carrying with it this whole planet, and so too me. For the part of Creation that I am speaking on behalf of is also a part of you. It has always been so, but for many a generation, our connection was so faint it was close to extinction. But as you chose to once again turn your eyes and your heart towards the light, our connection was once again rekindled, and now, it is blazing as brightly as a shining star on the firmament. But still, we do have quite a ways to go together in order to once again attain that perfectly balanced kinship we used to have, but from the what these last few days have shown, your actions are a true and formidable testament to the depth of your commitment to yourself, and to this partnership that has been so long in coming to light again. So once again I say thank you for being who you are and for doing what you do. You are the children of the light but the light is also your offspring, as so much of it springs forth from that well you all carry within, that well that is now once again flowing freely.


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