
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Revealing~Bob Dean’s Project Camelot Testimony & more UFO footage

For those who knowhat's abouto happen & Where it leadstand on the brink of an Amazing Destiny,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Some Special New Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2014 3:22 PM
Subject: Revealing~Bob Dean’s Project Camelot Testimony & more UFO footage
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Greetings from Galactic Heart...

We receive many letters asking: What is an rv, gcr, and prosperity programs? The RV refers to a country's currency revaluation. GCR stands for Global Currency Reset. The PP or Prosperity Programs (in a nutshell) were established by St. Germain as a monetary trust fund in the 18th century. This trust fund was based upon precious metals and minerals (gold, silver, diamonds etc.). Because the funds were based upon these constant items of value, they were immune to the control of currency systems of the dark side. Years ago individuals signed up to receive these funds promising to use them for the greater good of all. Eventually every man, woman and child on Earth will benefit from the programs. (These are closed programs at this time but not to worry, all will benefit). These programs are designed to liberate planet Earth from the use of money all together.
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Profound quote from Star Trek~Captain Jean-Luc Picard
During SUNDAY'S WEBINAR, Sheldan will provide details about the significance of these events. Why do we want you to know? Because the more you understand about the coming collapse of the financial system and the divine PLAN that replaces the old system, the more prepared you will be to calm your neighbors, friends, family and community.
Why does the dark work so hard to continue the UFO cover-up? Because when we are reunited with our galactic community, all lies are revealed. Technologies that break the bondage of slavery will be released. Global consciousness expands and we make the quantum leap to the 5th dimension.
This webinar is timely and fascinating. Please join us!
Selamat Ja!

Join us Sunday...



The most anticipated event in our quest for higher consciousness is the announcement and arrival of the Galactic Federation.

Topics include...

• How disclosure will affect our societies,
religious beliefs, scientific theories...
• When, and how, disclosure announcements will be made.
• Why E.Ts are benevolent and not here to colonize earth.
• Off-world technologies we are using now
and will be using in the future.
• What must happen before full disclosure is possible.
• The rise of a new economic system.

Sunday, August 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, August 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited... Register Now!
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
To make payment and register: Click HERE

UFO FOOTAGE ~~ Stop the Coverup!

Here's some great UFO videos. Of course, you and I don't need proof that UFOs are real but we have fun watching these videos. For me it excites my memory of where I come from! Deep within my heart I long to traverse the galaxy once again. It plain makes me feel GOOOOD!

The Significance of Bob Dean’s Project Camelot Testimony

Excerpt: Meet Bob Dean. Bob, according to his bio, spent twenty-seven years of active duty in the US Army where he retired as Command Sergeant Major. He also served in Intelligence Field Operations and was stationed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), the military arm of NATO. His Cosmic Top Secret clearance opened the way for his study of UFOs. Bob has been a whistleblower of tremendous courage and is respected by a spectrum of lightworkers.
According to him, in October 2011, he had a near-death experience and, instead of being allowed to depart and go to the astral planes, Bob was taken aboard a mothership and met with the galactics, who showed him what life would be like after the shift that is to happen at the end of this year (or sooner).
Bob has broken the wall of silence about the galactics, Ascension and the Golden Age. He has validated that there are ships out there, that they are manned by human species from other civilizations who are here to protect us and help us to ascend.
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Consider now the position that Kerry is in. Kerry read Arthur Clarke’s Childhood’s End some years ago and has ever since feared that there is a malevolent galactic presence out there just waiting to take over the Earth. There was in fact a malevolent presence so she is not incorrect. But that presence has been pushed away from the Earth by space coalitions who serve the light such as the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command.
However fear dies slowly in some quarters. The task of convincing commentators like Kerry, and I could name a few others, may take personal experiences on their part or … well, we know that the galactics are shying away from anything like a mass decloaking that could scare terrestrials – at least until after the cabal has been removed. Until that time, Bob Dean and perhaps others like him who have gone to the ships and have stature in the whistleblower community will be the means of quieting the fears of commentators like Kerry.
For complete article, Click Here
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