
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Out Of This World Radio interviews Sheldan on Friday, Aug 29

Friday, August 29 at 3pm PDT (California time) Sheldan will be interviewed on Ted Mahr's radio show ~ Out of This World...

----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 10:28 PM
Subject: Out Of This World Radio interviews Sheldan on Friday, Aug 29
PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

Mark your calendars for an "OUT OF THIS WORLD" interview with Sheldan

Sheldan Nidle1
Friday, August 29 at 3pm PDT (California time) Sheldan will be interviewed on Ted Mahr's radio show ~ Out of This World.
Host of Out of This World, Ted Mahr, is a man with a long interest in psychic and metaphysical phenomena. Taught to navigate the psychic world by his mother, Ted’s ability to tap into the “other side” and broad wealth expert guests, makes for a must-hear radio show unlike anything else on the airwaves.
Ted brings his educational background to bear while interviewing his many guests. He has four degrees in five different subjects, including law, anthropology, urban planning, library science, and international economics. He has won awards for his research and writing and is a four-time international scholar to India (where he received two Fulbright grants to study law) and Australia (where he was a Visiting Research Fellow at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia).
Listen live on Friday, 8-29, at 3pm with Out Of This World Radio host Ted Mahr
OR listen to the archive 24 hours later at Out of This World Radio archives


Sheldan will help us understand our conditioning cocoon and show us how to break free.


Every person on this planet is a victim of 3D conditioning. By amplifying and playing on our fears, the cabal systematically seeks to program us into conforming to their agenda.

Free Preview video: Connect with True Self

Topics include...

• The Politics of Deception versus NESARA
• Transforming Corporate control and Bank Fraud
• Media Conditioning: T.V., Internet, Entertainment
• GMOs: Contaminating the land, crops and organic farms
• Education: Watering down knowledge while dumbing down schooling
• The Ascended Masters and the Quiet Revolution
• How We can Shed our 3D Conditioning
To Order Click on: Overcoming Our 3D Conditioning
Price: $13.95 U.S.


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